Hi! My name is Rick Wyckoff. You can check
out our website at avatartat2.Com. Im here on behalf of expertvillage.Com talking about
body modification. More and more these days youre seeing people with, on television
shows and on the Internet with I guess what people will call it extreme body modification.
Scarification and branding thats taken to a level that some people will find shocking.
The reasons for people exploring these rounds of body modification, part of it has to do
with people out there taking it to the limits, seeing how far they can go with it or trying
to outdo the next guy.
But I think that part of it is people looking for a sublime experience
or seeking out something, an extraordinary experience for themselves. Suspension and
ritual scarification, etc., Cuttings and all that kind of thing. Basically, exploring the
realms of consciousness and where pain can take somebody to an elevated state of consciousness.
Some people are taking that whole experiential thing and also making a functional end out
of it. The tongue piercing was a popular, and still is a very popular piercing to get.
It also has a sexual function.
Most of the body piercing industry has its roots. I guess
dungeon culture of San Francisco is where you first start to see it. In the gay community
especially; the underground etc. Is where most of the body piercings that you see now
a days were kind of created in a sort of experimental environment.
Now a days, its become mainstream
but it has still those sexual overtones. Tongue splitting has become a more recent alternative
to the people who have become disenchanted with the tongue piercing. My tongue is split.
Both sides move independently..
Todays question is, "What does the Bible
say about body piercings?" In this video Ill answer that question
from a biblical perspective. Afterwards, as always, Ill share some helpful
resources, so stick around until the end. Body modification, including piercing, tattooing,
scarring, branding, cutting, and outright mutilation, has been an increasing trend in
recent years. Body piercingthe insertion of jewelry in
various body partshas graduated from the traditional ear lobe piercing to the piercing
of noses, navels, nipples, tongues, eyebrows, cheeks, genitalia, and more.
Many Christians have a piercing or two, and
some have many more than two; no matter what the issue, its good to stop and consider
what the Bible says. Well begin with by acknowledging that the
Bible does not specifically address body piercings as a sin, so dogmatism on the issue is unwarranted. If all body piercing is sinful, as some say,
then even a diamond stud in a girls ear lobe is taboo. Such a stance goes too far, considering that
earrings (and even nose rings) were accessories for Hebrew women: in an extended metaphor,
God reminds Jerusalem of the lavish blessings He had bestowed on the people: I put a
ring on your nose, earrings on your ears (Ezekiel 16:12).
Its unlikely that God would have used earrings
(and nose rings) as a symbol of beauty and blessing if such jewelry were inherently sinful. See also Song of Solomon 1:1011. Also, we should consider what the Old Testament
Law had to say about the related issue of cutting the flesh and marking the body. The command to Israel was Do not cut your
bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves.
I am the LORD (Leviticus 19:28). It seems the common practice among the nations
surrounding Israel was to cut, lance, or somehow scar the body for the dead; that is,
cutting oneself was part of a pagan mourning ritual or possibly a superstitious rite to
aid the spirits of the departed. We see this type of behavior in action in
Elijahs day, as Baal-worshipers slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was
their custom, until their blood flowed (1 Kings 18:28). It is safe to say that, if a certain body
piercing hints at paganism or honors a false philosophy, then it is sinful.
Forming a biblically informed opinion on body
piercings requires us to examine the principles of the Word of God and ask ourselves some
pertinent questions, such as: What is my motivation for getting a body
piercing? Our motives are important in any decision
we make (Proverbs 16:2), especially something as permanent and potentially life-changing
as a body piercing. Am I trying to find identity in a subculture? Body piercing has given rise to a definite
subculture, and many people try to find themselves by joining the bodymod community. While joining a particular cultural group
might help in evangelizing that group, to join simply to find oneself is not biblical. As believers, our identity is in Christ: You
died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3, NLT).
Am I succumbing to peer pressure? Doing anything out of a desire to please ones
peers is spiritually hazardous. We are to follow the Lord Jesus (see John
21:2122). Those who follow peer pressure in getting
a body piercing find themselves in the ironic position of having proclaimed their uniqueness
through conformity. Am I stressing appearance over substance? The Bible clearly emphasizes the inner spiritual
qualities of a person and downplays the outward adornment (1 Peter 3:34).
The majority of our effort should be directed
at increasing in godliness, not grooming a particular look. Am I drawing undue attention to myself? Any item of clothing, accessory, or jewelry
worn simply as a fashion statement runs the risk of feeding pride in that it draws attention
to the wearer. Bringing public focus to certain body parts,
pushing boundaries, or creating a flashy display is not a godly reason for a body piercing,
especially when we have this command in Scripture: All of you, clothe yourselves with humility
(1 Peter 5:5). Will this body piercing be an obstacle
to ministry? Its conceivable that, in some situations,
having a body piercing will aid a believer in his witness to others.
And, if the piercing is decorated with Christian-themed
jewelry, it could be a conversation-starter that leads to spiritual themes. But, for others, certain types of body piercings
may hinder attempts to share the gospel. We are Christs ambassadors, delivering
Gods message to the world (2 Corinthians 5:20). We must consider what message the body piercing
sends and whether it will aid or detract from representing Christ and sharing the gospel.
Where do I draw the line? According to Guinness World Records, the record
for total body piercings is 453 for a male and 462 for a female. Those considering multiple piercings should
be able to answer the question how much is too much? With specificity. At what point does body modification become
extreme? How far can Christians go and still honor
God with your bodies (1 Corinthians 6:20)? Beyond piercings, questions should be asked
about scarification, branding, facial flesh tunnels, skin implants, split tongues, pointed
ears, sharpened teeth, and other things promoted within the modern bodymod community. Of course, we could also ask where we draw
the line on other, more socially acceptable body modifications such as breast implants,
tummy tucks, face lifts, and such.
Some of the same questions about motivation
and appearance need honest answers if we are to do all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians
10:31). An important scriptural principle on issues
the Bible does not specifically address is that, if there is room for doubt whether it
pleases God, then it is best not to engage in that activity. Anything that does not come from faith is
sin (Romans 14:23). Our bodies, as well as our souls, have been
redeemed and belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:20).
Since our bodies belong to God and are the
temple of the Holy Spirit, we should make sure it is His will before we modify them
with body piercings. Want to learn more? Subscribe so you dont miss the next video! Visit GotQuestions.Org for more great content. And check out the details section below this
video, there is one book I recommend, along with several related articles. If youd like to learn about Bible Munch,
or if youre interested in Bite-sized devotionals, subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, its
linked right here.
Now remember, Got questions? The Bible has answers, and well help you
find them!.
- You'll feel some pressure here. Cool. (Upbeat music) - So we are about to head to Brooklyn and go get Curated Piercings. They call them Constellation Piercings.
This means that they're
going to like look at our ear and like figure out specific piercings for like what fits our ear. It makes me a little bit more nervous just not knowing what
he's going to pierce. Kind of like walking into a tattoo store and being like go crazy. (Upbeat music) - What is your official title? - I'm a body piercer.
I've been piercing for a little over 10 years now. I'm mostly known for like curating ears and
people's bodies you know. But mostly known for like
a more delicate approach to piercing. We kind of map out people's ears.
Go with people's anatomy as far as like aesthetically and even like lifestyle-wise. - The whole phrase that was coined, constellation piercings or curated ear. - Yeah I think it got called that because people were like offering diamonds so they look kind of like stars. We call it more of a curated ear just because when we look at people's like anatomy, you want something that fits nicely, that looks natural you know.
- It's a more personal experience is what I'm getting. - It's more of an art form you know. With the way we do it. And the jewelry is changing too.
Before you were stuck with the bulky, heavy studs or hoops. - I'm ready, I'm super excited about this. - Yeah me too. - Let's do it.
(Lighthearted music) - I had this, this was in my ear for 10 years. RIP. - What side do you sleep on? - Honestly both. - Okay cool.
What's like your major side? - I part my hair on this side. - Okay I think going
with what you got here is a better move. So I'll mark you in a few spots, okay? So we can do like a classic second. I'm mostly going for this guy which is skipping the second and going to high low the third.
I'm gonna say conch wood will definitely center everything off. Especially 'cause you where earbuds and stuff like that. So what I'm gonna do, I'm just gonna line everything up, okay. Just focus on me alright.
You'll be fine. Take an extra breath in. Breathe out, that's it. How was it? - It's okay.
- You like that one? - It's so big, I love it. Oh it's so cool. - It's cute. It rests nicely.
- Oh I love it. - Are you ready? - Yeah I don't know why
I'm more nervous for lobe. - That's it, just lining everything up. - Okay.
- It's easy I promise. - I just think of The Parent Trap when I think of this. - Take a nice breath. I'm just gonna put the stud in, okay? You're gonna feel some pressure here.
- You can't go into a piercing thinking it wouldn't hurt though. - That's true. - Okay. Oh I love that.
Wow it looks really like just like adorned. (Upbeat music) - So that's what we call an orbital. I did that because you
kind of got this guy. You know so it's a little
bit heavier looking.
- It looks really fucking cool. - So kind of like her we can do the conch. We can also do what we call a flow rook. Which is kind of like a floating rook.
You wear earbuds? - Uh yeah. - You can do what we call a flat piercing. - I kinda like the faux. - I like the faux too.
Alright. - I have the jitters. - Just lining everything up. That is it.
Take an extra breath in. That's it. You did, amazing. That's the worst of it.
- That really fucking hurt. It's so cute. - Right? It's just floating there. - Oh snap.
That's like a really cool spot. - Take a nice breath in. There you go, good job. - But it looks like a square.
I just don't even know. It's like really cool. - Cool? - Oh my gosh. It's so much nicer.
You like took like five pounds off this ear. - Oh that's really cool. - Awesome. - You're done.
- We're done. So we just got pierced. Personally I am feeling
heat in my ear right now. But I feel good.
It looks so good. I just like love the experience like really all in all. He just made my ears just like look a lot more simple and put together. - I feel like before, it looks like I had a
collection of piercings kind of and now it looks like I have, like everything's seamless.
I feel like I looked at my piercings and I was like I have two ones up there. Now I like love my ear. - He just like made some of the jewelry. Like you know what I mean? He just kind of cut
like some of the jewelry and just like made it
into something for me.
Probably the best experience I ever had in terms of piercing. - I just know so many people who've been like I shouldn't have gotten
my cartilage pierced or I shouldn't have gotten
it pierced right there, it just didn't work. Like he'll probably help prevent that. - Yeah.
- And he really does I think choose a place that
will not only look good, but it will heal well and it won't get engulfed or whatever it's called, melt. - That's the problem with cheaper jewelry is it'll essentially melt and get stuck to your ear. - Melt? - Yeah. - He had to like snap them off of me.
I recommend him to anybody and I had the best experience. (Lighthearted music).
I don't like having big balls in my mouth. Oh my god There's no way to saying that we keeping your shape means. I don't like having super huge balls in my mouth Hey, I dropped my phone. Hey guys.
What's happening welcome back to my channel. No. That's really awkward Hey guys What's happening welcome back to my channel unless you guys have never seen me before welcome to my channel so for today's video I'm gonna be trying on all of my tongue rings for you guys and just you know I don't know I'm just trying on my tongue rings so Originally this video was going to be me trying on all of my septum rings that I own because I'm up to my ass in septum rings I never wear any of them because they look so stupid on me So I started to try some on and I was like nope not today, and I was thinking to myself What else could I do and I chose to do my tongue ring collection? So let's go ahead and get right into this video. I have them right here.
Just soaking in some solution cleaner solution and The one that I never really change is the bottom ball in the bar So don't even try and come at me because I know it's getting a little crusty, and I needed a new one But the bar that I used is a flexible bar, and then I just use an acrylic ball on the bottom And then I do whatever I want on the top but the reason I keep these in is because the flexible bar is for me more comfortable and The acrylic ball helps with not wearing it my teeth and my gums So that's why I do that, and I will try and show you guys if my camera will zoom Properly, that's just what that looks like and this is the one that stays in my tongue all the time on the bottom hmmm The first one I'm going to do is a by far my favorite my favorite and I paid 50 cents for it You guys will see why I'm gonna. Go ahead and just try and put it in now and then zoom in after (Knocking)Yeah Hey mom guess what ( mom says something) So this one is definitely one of my favorites I don't never go wrong wearing that though because I mean actually I do I'm not gonna lie not how I actually do or I'm wearing that a lot I'm just like It feels so weird not having a time going in you can feel the roof of your mouth and every little crevice what I Look like an idiot. I need to stop. Let's go on and do okay well Let me get the original bar that I always work back in this next one is another one of my favorites I need to stop saying that cuz I'm gonna end up saying that about everyone actually.
No, I will not.So this one is ok. But the thing is I typically do not lean towards acrylic balls on the top I don't know why I'm just not a big fan of them. I think they're cute I just don't personally like them on me, so I don't really use acrylic I stayed a metal and like diamonds and rhinestones and stuff like that But I have a few and this is one of the very few that I actually do like And I've even got all of my other ones to still try on for you guys even though I don't wear them, and I'm not a big fan of them I'm starting to try them on for you guys But this is definitely my one favorite that I like of all my critics besides the bottom one you know I'm a mess So there's actually a pretty funny story to this one I was down in Alabama with my grandparents at this lake house and I had one tongue ring with me, and it was the one in my mouth I was not a prepared ass bitch as I am now back then and I ended up swallowing it in my sleep, which yeah, I know that probably sounds terrible But you know what I've swallowed like fucking ten by now so at this point. I don't even give a shit.
I swallowed one and I didn't have another one , as a back up. I wasn't sure if it was fully healed and that it would stay open a few more days and I didn't want to take any chances because if you guys have never gotten your tongue pierced that healing process is a Bitch go ahead and ask Satan's you just fuck you in the ass whole.Because that will feel better than the healing process I'm that is so terrible, but it was so terrible itself anyways I'm getting off topic but basically just getting your tongue pierced a healing process is like just sucking a fucking cactus like you suck a dick it hurts I. Went to Walmart which I didn't even know that walmart sells body jewelry But apparently they do and I found this pack of tounge rings, and I had all these like crazy Acrylic ones which I mean I don't like acrylic ones personally on me So I'm just kind of cringing when I bought it because I knew I was buying something that I really didn't like But I ended up liking it a lot more than I thought hey the next one I'm gonna try it on is just solid black Think this one looks really dope because the bar, I haven't slack to so it's just like solid black. Let me zoom in.
Okay the next one. I'm gonna do is gold Let's do some gold. I also have a dangly tongue ring and I know you guys are honestly probably sitting there right now Thinking what the fuck? How do you have it dangly tongue ring because I didn't even know these existed you learn something new every day should I go ahead and do that I think I'm gonna do that one first let's do that one first and Don't even come at me trying to say oh my god. That's a belly button ball because no I promise you guys This is a dangly tongue ring when I got it.
It said Dangly tongue ring and don't even try and come at me don't even I'm trying to put a fucking tongue ball on when I already have one on my tongue. I hate my-self I really hate my-self Was just like why is it not going on and I realize you know there's already a ball on it okay this one I'm not gonna lie it feels pretty weird. I don't think I would wear this one For a long and an extended amount of time because it feels really weird Okay the next one. I'm gonna do is a pearl.
I like the pearl one I just don't ever wear it, and I don't know why I'm pretty sure you guys all know what I mean where you have Something it doesn't even have to be a tongue ring But anything that you really like but you just don't ever find yourself using it just cuz same Ah shit, I just dropped the bar. Oh, it's okay. It's fine. I'm fine.
Everything's fine like This mine oh shit, I like this one a lot By the way you guys if it's not focusing on some of these I'm so sorry, I'm a Piece of shit, and I still don't know what I'm doing you would think forty-eight thousand subscribers later by the way Thank you so much for 48 thousand subscribers you guys all are so amazing and I just want you guys to know that Every one of you and I can't believe I'm even relevant enough to have 48 thousand of you guys even subscribe to me That's what blows my mind. Okay. It's not having to get emotional up in this bitch It's time to change some tongue rings So the one I am going to be trying on Is a basic pink, yuh it is pink. A little pink rhinestone, germ.
A little pink rhinestone germ. What ever you want to call it. Whatever you want to call it. Whatever floats your boat.
Swear to God when you're a youtuber if any of you guys ever become youtubers Or are youtubers you will understand this when you say something. It's like a gem There's always gonna be those fat Cunts that come in your comments and are like umm got that a rhinestone , not a gem The only reason I don't really like this one is because I feel like it blends in with my tongue a little bit and looks A tad weird, but I mean it's still cute I'm probably gonna go to edit this video. It's gonna look awful, and I'm gonna hate my life Nothing new okay next we're gonna go back to the gold one that I said I was gonna do but I forgot If I can get it undone Hello Why hello motherfucker Okay um It's not meant to be I don't know what to do next So the next two that I'm gonna do are both metal with rhinestones in them and then I'm gonna go ahead and the rest of them are gonna be Acrylics, which are ones that I don't ever wear, so I'm just gonna put those all together And this is the one that I'm always wearing pretty much always The next one is one that I do wear sometimes occasionally, and it's just your basic red gem, rhinestone Whatever floats your boat okay, don't forget singing off See I don't mind this one too much I. Like it better than the pink although.
I still feel like it kind of blends in with my tongue The cleaner solution is starting to soak through my Dixie cup Okay, this is my least hated of my acrylic ones, and it's actually the same one I have on the bottom It is clear and on the inside. It just has little sparkles You can't really see it when it's in. This is kind of the ones that I would wear if I had to go somewhere professional I'm kidding I do like to wear this when I go to job interviews Or stuff like that because I don't want to just be like hey look at my tongue ring You know I try and keep it a little on the low-key so yeah Alright you guys this next one is a red acrylic one and it has the yin-yang symbol on the top You know what is my hair doing god? I'm so sorry for just everything about this video except my background because the bitch worked hard on this, and I'm loving it not sponsored by McDonald's by the way, I'm such a Is that even their logo anymore Moto logo slogan Slogan that's it. That's the word is that even their slogan anymore.
I'm not sure that's a good question Okay, I'm getting down to like my final five And I know you guys are probably I know someone's gonna comment and say yo, those are really really small, but the thing about Tongue rings is I really like having smaller balls I don't like having big balls Oh my god There's no way to say that we keeping your shape means. I don't like having super huge balls in my mouth By order smaller ones, and I'm just gonna end up there So you know my head's cut off Man I just wanted oh shit almost dropped it man. I just wanna go flex going all my teeth it on my dick This one reminds me of a black-and-white beach ball Alright this next one. I have came in the same package with the one I got from Walmart That was rainbow stripes, and it's just this neon green one ( sound from her tongue) did you hear that I can't do it.
Kind of like this one I'm just not a fan of acrylic tongue rings. I don't know why Okay, and I have I mean. Okay. That's basically the same.
I'll just zoom in on this one It's acrylic and it's green and it just has like darker green stripes, so it's kind of like a little watermelon Not sure if that's gonna focus or not, but that's just what that one looks like Sorry if you can hear my chair squeaking you know it's some GoodWill shit! Alright and this last one is White and neon orange, I really need to step up my hungry game. I'm about to go and order some good tongue rings I'm just gonna leave this one in to conclude my video I. Guess if you guys want me to do a septum one. I will it's just gonna be embarrassing because I'm telling you nothing looks good on me except the horseshoe and Occasionally I can pull off an infinity ring.
I do have a golden a silver one and I can pull them off occasionally besides that I Look like a desperate wanna be tumbeler girl stuck her myspace face when I wear them And I'm not kidding you It was so bad on me, and it makes me somebody's I spend so much money on them to look like an idiot You know it'd be like that though. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. I hope you guys enjoy it I mean I didn't also do a belly run. Belly run That doesn't even okay.
No I. Can also do a belly ring try on collection if you guys want? I don't have the most pop and belly ring collection Which I'm going to go make an order and we gonna step the fuck up and make this collection and pop in But until that I guess I can do a belly ring collection for you guys if you want to see that Go ahead and comment below. I guess. I don't care.
Let me know. I don't know if you guys are interested I will have all of my social media linked down below for you guys in the description box along with my P.O box I hope each and every one of you have a beautiful amazing a wonderful day or night Wherever you guys are in as yall already know. I'll catch you all in my next video bye guys Wait no no last video. I said my new thing was gonna be Yes, bitch yes.
Hello! Welcome back to most amazing Top 10! I am Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking
about the Top 10 Most Extreme Body Piercings! Before we jump into this video, I just want
to remind you guys that Most Amazing Top 10 have their own Instagram account now you
can find us at Most Amazing Official! Corset Piercing
Corsetting is where you get various piercings on your body and you run ribbons through them,
which you tie up to look like the back of a corset. We cant actually even show you some of
these, they are so intense! Andsome of them are pretty rudey nudey
and this is a pretty family friendly channel. What I can show you is this guys full back
corset piercing. Wowawaweeeewa.
Up next at number 9.Eeesh. This makes
me feel a bit uncomfortable, we have an eyelid piercing. Meet Juan. Juan has his eye pierced.
Ow. Juan lost an eye when he served in the Spanish
military, and afterwards, he found he hated wearing a false eye ballso he had his eye
pierced shut. According to Juan, at first the person who
he asked to pierce it said no, but he convinced her by saying If you dont do this for
me, Ill go to the newbie down the street, and if they wont do it, Ill do it myself. 8 - Dinosaur Piercings
This is pretty intense, but pretty coolbut the kind of cool where I am glad that it isnt
personally me that has this..
Have a look at this image of this beautiful bald lady
with spikes running from the top of her skull to the base of the spine! While it looks cool in a piece of artistic
photography can you imagine what a nightmare trying to wear clothes would be? If you didnt shred your clothes when your
head went through, then your back would probably spike holes in your clothes! Youd have to just be spikey and naked forever! Ever wondered who has the most tongue piercings
in the world? Wonder no longer at number 7. Frank Vacca snagged the Guinness world record
for most tongue piercings in January 2017. The American national has 20 piercings on
his wagger! At one point he switched his studs for spikeswhich
sounds dangerous. I was hoping this was fake at number 6, but
apparently it is not..
Sorry to do this to you, but check out this zipper tongue. I know that people often get their tongues
split, but this imagery is pretty intense. This body mod lover had their tongue split
then studs and a zipper put in place to make it look like a functioning zip. I dont think they can actually zip their
tongue, but still this is pretty intense.
From a pierced tongues to a man who can poke
his tongue through his cheek! Up next at number 5we have Joe Miggler. 25 Year old German national Joe holds the
Guinness world record for the most flesh tunnels in his face. He has a split tongue, which he can poke through
the holes! Joe plans to stretch out the biggest of his
holes to 40 millimetres wide. He says he can still eat normally, bit soup
is a no go.
He also sometimes sucks lollipops through
his cheeks. THROUGH HIS CHEEKS! I can get on board with some of these. But an Achilles piercingNooo.Why you
gotta? Wanna some some pics at number 4 ?
ARGH! A guy called Daniel Rutt has his heel pierced
and I just CANT. You can see straight through his foot.
Looking at it makes me WINCE! Theres like tendons and stuff going on
down there! Daniels piercing stretches 15 milimetres
wide.. Okay, I dont know what is worse on the
wince factor, the Achilles heel or this here at number 3. Ladies and gentlemen, we have an epiglottis
piercing! What is an epiglottis. Get a load of this piercing and find out..
Argh! If you thought things at the ack of your throat
was uncomfortable, imagine having someone go down there and stick a whole in your dangly
throat bit.
For me having this piercing ould feel like
there is something constantly stuck in my throat. 2 - Rolf Buchholz
58 year old Rolf is officially the most pierced male in the world! The German national boasts over 453 piercings
over his body, including 150 round his mouth and 278 on his genitals. Now, my question to Rolf, or those who haveurm. Experienced Rolf.
Is that uncomfortable? While he says he has no trouble in the bedroom,
he has admitted to trouble at boarder controls and even said he was once denied entry to
the United Arab Emirates as they suspected him of practicing black magic. I can also imagine it is a nightmare every
time he goes through the metal detector in airport security. Finally, coming in to number 1. We have the most pierced person in the world,
Elaine Davidson If youre lucky enough to live in Edinburgh,
you may have seen Elaine walking around.
Elaine has a total of 9,800 piercings at last
count, however that was last year so she has probably has even more! She has hundreds in her face alone! In the year 2000, Elaine was awarded the Guinness
world record for the most body piercings, and she has held on to that title ever since! On her website, she has a sentence that reads:
Elaine does not drink, take drugs or smoke cigarettes and she wants people to know this. In some ways this is because she sees her
position in the Guinness Book of Records as a responsibility as much as a dedication. Good on you, Elaine! Sowell that was pretty intense. DO you guys have any piercings? Would you get any of those featured in this
list? I just have my ears pierced I would maybe get a few more around
the ear..
Hello! Welcome back to the Most Amazing channel on
the internet. I am Rebecca Felgate, your Most Amazing host,
and today were talking about the Top 10 insane body piercings. I know we have done a few kind of similar
lists in the past and you guys seem to love them, so I thought Id bring you a fresh
new list. Before we get into the video, I just want
to remind you guys that we have a Most Amazing Instgram that you should check out if you
want to see some pictures of me, Danny and Landon doing our thing.
We also have some merch for sale, if you want
to join the Most Amazing Gang. Okay. Body piercings! 10 - CLAWS
Pop it away, Wolverine! Oh my goodness. Imagine having CLAWS! This is too much.
And I can imagine it is highly inconvenient. Like.Gloves.Winter gloveshow do you
do gloves. Also.Can we talk about how this guy has
some kind of through nose piercing that works with his claw hand. I imagine this kind of malarkey is not welcome
at airports and sporting events, cause, you know, his hands are a weapon.
Weve got HOOPS at number 9
There are a lot of hoops in this face, as well as assorted other spikes. Its pretty visually confounding . It
is hard to take in all at once. The ears are particularly saturated ..
cigar smoking seems to also be an integral part to this look I am surprised he doesnt have that pierced
too. I think that makes me feel the most squeamish
is the underchin. 8 - KNIVES
Okay, so I guess this dude doesnt keep the knives in his face long term but like.. Jesus Christ.
Imagine living with these two whopping great
holes in your nose at all times.Likehis breathing experience must be pretty different
to yours and mineit must be so fresh and open. But like. Do you really want that kind of visibility
into your nasal passage? I guess he does! This guy has also gone pretty rogue when it
comes to his chin and ears too. Dont quote me, but I think he has one of
those chin plugs that he can take out and poke his tongue through.
This is very sonic slash Bowser.. I dont know if I would enjoy a spike, it
might get in the way of having hair. But I guess this guy doesnt need to worry
about that. Like.Does anyone watching have a spike
How do these work how do you take them
out. Also, hello nose piercing of wiggley joy. There is definitely room for more here. This dudes ear is like a portal to another
Check it out at number 6 LIKE WHAT is happening here! That is the biggest lobe gauge I have ever
seen. And the cheeky face poking through it is so
much to deal with. It must be weird to carry these around in
you! Also, his lip piercing is quite the commitment
too. This guy is known as Bear Big Ears, and having
just googled him it seems he actually is the record holder for the largest stretched
LIPS at number 5
Okay, but like, isnt this a bit of a pain.This cant be in anyway comfortable. This is Rafa Gnomo he is thought to have
the biggest lip modification in the world.And, well his lips have been totally transformed
into vessels, so, yeah, I guess. These days, though, he has grown a beard and
covered his huge holes. If you thought that was intense.
I meancheck this out at number 4
This woman is from the Mursi tribe in Ethiopia, where it is considered to be beautiful to
have a huge plate in their face. Large ceramic disks are fitted over time and
swapped out for bigger disks over time. The bigger the plate, the more alluring a
woman is said to be. Full Metal Jacket at number 3
German National, Rolf Bucholz holds the current record for being the most pierced male in
the world.
The 58 year old has a total of 453 piercings
at last count, including a whopping 278 in his penis. I was going to ask how he can fit that many
down there. Bit like I guess space maybe ismnt an issue. I am not sure how I feel about that much metal
going on though.
But if it works for Rolf, like whatever. Of course we cant show you the pictures
of his nether regions, luckily he also has lots of piercings on his face, too, so you
get the idea. He also has eyeball tattoos and horns and
like, each to their own. 2 - Chainmail
So, this guy has so many piercings, he looks like he is starting to develop some kind of
body armour.
This is Kam Ma, and what were seeing here
is the result of 8 hours of piercing work at a body arts festival.At this event he
was pierced over 1000 without any aesthetic. Likeee. I guess he likes the pain. Finally, coming in to number 1.
We have the most pierced person in the world,
1 - Most Pierced person in the world. Elaine Davidson has over 9,800 piercings! The woman in her 50s lives in Edinburgh, Scotland,
and is covered in in metal! In the year 2000, the Guinness World Records
team gave Elaine the title of most pierced person in the world, which is a title she
still lays claim too. Despite her extreme look, Elaine defies expectations.She
does not live an extreme lifestyle; she shys away from drink, drugs and cigarettes and
lives life as a t-totaller. Sothere was that..
Have you guys got
any piercings? I feel a bit inadequate for just having my
ears pierced! Let me know which piercing you think was the
most insane. Thanks for tuning in, I am Rebecca Felgateplease
leave this video with a thumbs up, share it with a friend and stay subscribed for more
Most Amazing lists..
Hello, welcome back to the Most Amazing channel
on the internet! I am Rebecca Felgate, your most amazing host
and today were talking about the Top 10 Insane Body Piercings Part 2! You guys loved part one so much, we thought
we would show you more, and I have to say these are even more intense than part 1. Some of these may make you wince just a teeny
bit! As always we love hearing your feedback,
so do let us know which of these piercing made you feel the most squeamish! Also, before we get in to this video, I just
want to remind you guys to check out our Merch store at Most Amazing Shop.Com and also please
do leave this video with a big thumbs up. Okay, coming in at number 10, meet the guy
with the most pierced face in the world! Hey Axel Rosales, whats up! This Argentinian national won the title of
most adorned face in 2012, at which time he had 280 facial piercings. He actually had 271 on the day the Guinness
World Records crew showed up, but he wanted an even number so he had a friend punch not
one hole, but 9 more.
I have heard of people swearing to never take
their rings off, but this takes the whole concept a bit far at number 9 we have
this nonconventional wedding ring. Imagine the wedding the crowd cooing over
how beautiful the bride and groom look, and it comes to exchanging rings the vicar
gets out his piercing gun...It is a beautiful moment. I guess this is one way not to lose a ringbut
imagine the dramatic ring off moment in a fit of matrimonial rage. Eesh.
Finger piercings. I dont know. This is pretty cool, if it is a little extreme
we have this head piercing at number 8. So what you are looking at is a microdermal
temple piercing and what this lady has going on is a pretty sweet cog piercing that
actually moves together! This is like head art I guess everyone sees their piercings as
Temple thoughesssh the thought of having
it done makes me feel squeamish. Ooh, speaking of squeamish, get ready for
number 7. We have a Uvula Piercing. What is an Uvulva? That dangly bit at the back of your throat.
Imagine having someone stick their fingers
down their and give it a good old piercing! I guess as piercings go, this is pretty small,
buterrrhhh.. Choke hazard nightmares. Can I interest anyone in a couples tongue
at number 6? Couples tongue anyone? No? I get mad love, I really do. But this is too far guys, do you hear me? TOO FAR.
Take your love elsewhereI cant deal
with it. I guess this is a short term fixture, but
still I am going to bring you down just a notch,
before I build you back up take it slightly easier at number 5 with gum piercing. Meep.Holes in my gums. Imagine for a second being pierced through
the gum like, that area is pretty thick and teeth filled.
Some people are pierced right in the middle
of the two front teeth which makes me very worried about the attachy bit from the lip
to tooth. Atatchy bit. Good job Rebecca! Okay, this is terrifying, we have this harrowing
Ankle Piercing at number 4. I am fully in support of people doing what
they want with their bodies, but who on earth wants to put a whopping great hole through
their Achilles? This gasp inducing body modification belongs
to Daniel Rutt of Worksop, England.
Staring into the wound is probably my least
favourite thing to do.. Apparently it is 16 millimetres wide. Oh sweet Jesusare you ready for this at
number three, we have eye piercings.. I MEAN can you even imagine! This dude is living in a Jail of his own making! Imagine how inconvenient this would be..
And like totally in the way of your vision at all times.
The way his skin is pauching is very stressful
to me! So.Whats the craic at number 2? Oh, waitsorry I asked. We have a person who has pierced their butt
cheeks and pulled them together with a bar. 21St century, I think I am officially done
with you. This poses a whole world of problems that
I am unready to deal with or muse upon for too long What could be more horrifying than piercing
your butt together, well, boy do I have a treat for you at number one we have this
Double Nip daydream.
Did I say daydream?? Sorry, I meant nightmare. This is hands down one of the most horrifying
tattoo piercing combinations I have ever seen. While I definitely see the humour. Those nipple arms will haunt my nightmares.
Pop it away, bruce.Pop it away. So that was the Top 10 Insane Body Piercings
of All time which did you like the most? Is like the right word here? I dont know. Maybe. Let me know in the comments section below.
I am your Most amazing host, Rebecca Felgate,
please do leave a good thumbs up on this video and be sure to share it with a friend..
Hey youtube im Court McGinley and welcome
back to the most amazing top 5. Sit back subscribe and let me entertain you. Before we get started I want to know- what
piercing would you never get? Let me know your answers down in the comments. Also if you havnt subscribed yet what are
you waiting for? Its super easy all you have to do is hit that
red subscribe button down there.
And thats it your subscribed. Also I have a challenge for you guys lets
see if we can get this video to 400 likes. And if you havnt seen our part one of 2 of
this list then make sure you go and check them out after this video. Alright without further adue lets get started
on our list of the top 5 most dangerous piercings part 3.
Coming in at our number 5 spot- Nipple- as
popular as nipple piercings seems to be right now there are many potential risks that come
along with it. Such as- infections- nerve damage- bleeding-
Hematoma- blood filled cysts- nipple cysts- and scaring. So yeah a lot of scary things can potentially
happen. Also its not a very well known fact but nipple
piercings are also associated with hepatitis B and C and even HIV.
I just dont know if its worth the risk. Its a lot to think about especially if you
get it before you hav kids. You have to think about the future- and if
you wat kids and plan to breast feed them. If things go wrong that will no longer be
an option.
And if youre a man wanting a nipple ring
then breast feeding isnt an issue put all the potential risks can still happen to you. In at number 4- Cheek piercing- Cheek piercings
are known for their high rejection rate. They also tend to migrate and get infected
really easily if not taken care of properly. Just getting this piercing done by an unskilled
person can result in an infection.
Now obviously your not going to have your
friend do it- but if you go to a piercing shop and get it done by someone whos not skilled
in this piercing it can get infected easily. If infected your cheeks will become red and
swell. And saving the best for last- you can also
develop Puss filled sacks on the inside of your cheeks. This will leave a nasty taste and smell in
your mouth.
I mean its infection just sitting in your
mouth. Yeah not cute. At number 3- Spacers- spacers are super popular
but if not done professionally of taken care of correctly your going to run into a lot
of problems. Each time you place a new gauge into the ear
hole you have an opportunity to get an infection.
Putting in a new gauge means you are stretching
the ear lobe wide enough to place the new one in. Your basically continuously opening a new
wound which your body keeps trying to heal. Also if your not careful and use unclean gauges
or instruments to insert the gauge you could introduce bacteria. Then theres the very real and scary option
of tearing.
Basically youll have an earlobe torn in two. This is caused by trying to go up in size
too quickly and not allowing sufficient time for stretching in between each size. If this happens surgery is necessary to effectively
reshape the earlobe. Coming in at number 2- Stretched open Labret-
this is quite a bold piercing to get.
You would definitely need to do a lot of research
before getting this procedure done. You should also consult with your dentist
first to make sure your teeth and gums and in good health and make sure this piercing
wouldnt be dangerous for you as everyone is different. Apparently with certain people this piercing
can cause the gums to recede. So it all depends on your mouth.
Also since this is an open piercing theres
a higher risk when it comes to infection. It can also cause Jaw bone erosion- swollen
lips- tooth abrasion and tooth drift. And at number 1- Mandible- This is known as
one of the most dangerous piercings you can get. This piercing starts at the base of the tongue
and passes through several layers of tissue emerging underneath the chin.
This is a painful piercing to get as it passes
through a sensitive area that includes muscular tissue and runs in close proximity to a variety
of veins- important nerves and delicate cartilage. So you would need to get this done by a master
piercer. A lot of piercers actually refuse to attempt
tis piercing all together. Personally I dont really get the point
of this piercing I mean no one including yourself will be able to see it unless people want
to stare into your mouth at which point you need to start questioning your friendships.
Another downside of this piercing is that
it takes a really long time to heal. Also this piercing needs a lot of maintenance
and tends to ooze a lot. So yeah theres that. Well there you have it thats our list of
the top 5 most dangerous piercings part 3.
Thank you guys so much for watching and ill
catch you in the next one. [Type text].
Top 5 Least Painful Piercings
Before you get a piercing the pain factor always runs through your mind. How much is this going to hurt? How long will it hurt for afterwards etcetera. Well lucky for you guy im going to tell you
about which piercings will cause you the least amount of pain. Hey youtube im Court McGinley and welcome
back to the most amazing top 5.
Before we get started I want to know- if you
could get any piercing where would it be and why let me know your answers down in the comments. Also make sure you subscribe to our channel
if you havnt already and like this video so we can keep beringing you awesome top 5 lists. Alright lets get started on our list of the
top 5 least painful piercings. --Starting off at number 5- Tongue- apparently
compared to other piercings out there this one is considered one of the least painful
I always thought it would be painful because
when you bite your tongue it hurts..Really bad. But according to people who have this piercing
they claim its not nothing like the pain you feel after biting your tongue. People say its uncomfortable yet bearable. Now while the piercing itself isnt so bad
the after effects kind of suck, and it actually hurts more afterwards then actually getting
it pierced.
--In at number 4- eyebrow piercings are actually
considered fairly low on the pain scale. I was pretty surprised by this one actually. People who get this piercing actually describe
a feeling more like pressure than pain. And describe the feeling resembling a strong
The reason I thought this piercing would be
more painful then it is- is because theres barely any fleshy tissue there its just skin-
and its not just one incision point but 2. I just imagine it would feel like getting
2 piercings as opposed to one. --At number 3 spot- Navel- the navel piercing
is usually a right of passage when it comes to teenage girls. When it comes to the pain of getting this
piercing done its considered to be one of the less painful piercings.
This is because its in an area with soft tissue. Most people would compare this piercing to
being stung by a bee. So it doesnt feel good but its also not
horrible. --In at our number 2 spot- lip piercing- this
is a piercing that is becoming more mainstream and is considered to be fairly painless.
In order to get this piercing a small metal
clamp is used to hold the lip in place- the a needle pierces through before inserting
a stud. Easy peasy. The reason this piercing barely hurts is due
to the fleshy nature of this area. Because its just soft tissue its easy to pierce
and it causes it not to hurt that much.
--Coming in at our number 1 spot--Earlobes-
theres a reason practically everyone gets this piercing. One of the reasons is it looks nice and the
other is that its the least painful. Also im sure that fact that it can be legally
done under the age of 16 helps. The reason this piercing s considered the
least painful is due to the fleshy nature of the area.
Many people describe this piercing as feeling
like a minor sting that lasts a couple seconds and that its less painful then a bee sting. I dont know if I agree with that. I got my ears pierced when I was 12 and I
remember being a bit more painful then a minor sting. Also this piercing is pretty easy to take
care of and heals quickly.
And there you have it thats our list of
the top 5 least painful piercings. Thank you guys so much for watching and ill
catch you in the next one..
Hey youtube im Court McGinley and welcome
back to the most amazing to 5. Sit back subscribe and let me entertain you. Before we get started I want to know what
do you think is the most attractive piercing out there. Let me know your answers down in the comments.
Also I have a challenge for you guys lets
see if we can get this video to 300 likes. And if you havnt subscribed yet then please
do- all you have to do is hit that red subscribe button just down there and thats it your
subscribed. Alright with out further a due lets get started
on our list of the top 5 hottest piercings on a girl. In at our number 5 spot--Belly button- the
ever-popular belly button piercing.
It seems like this has become a right of passage
for teenage girls. They all seem to want one. I get why teenagers like it- they enjoy showing
it off to friends and it looks cute when they are in a bikini. Plus its exciting this is usually one of the
first major things you do to rebel against your parents.
At least thats how it was when I was a
teenager. But trust me the excitement wears off by the
time youre in your mid to late 20s. It just becomes juvenile and youll probably end up
taking it out- or you might be one of those women who genuinely likes it and keeps it
in for a while. But regardless- its fun and cute while it
In at number 4--Hip piercing- now im going
to be honest before doing research for this list I forgot this piercing was a thing. But a lot of people seem to think is an attractive
piercing so here it is. For those of you who dont know this piercing
is in the pelvic area and its through the skin near the hip bone. And they will almost always come in pairs.
One piercing on the left side and one on the
right. Now while this piercing is hot it also seems
like it would be a lot of work. Id be constantly worried about the piercings
getting caught on my pants and ripping out. But hey thats just me.
At number 3--Ear lobes-oh the good old ear
lobe. Bet youre surprised to see this one on this
list seeing as its not a sexual piercing. But since this list is about hot piercings
it definitely makes the cut. I mean theres a reason 98 percent of girls
get their ears pierced at one point in there lives.
Its because it looks good. And its fun to customize earrings to your
personality. Its the most common and easiest piercing
but its definitely one of the nicest as well. Coming in at number 2--Tongue ring-this piercing
is definitely popular.
It used to be pretty straight forward. Youd get the piercing done directly through
the center of the tongue but now people have gone crazy And took modifying this piercing
to the next level. For example now we have the tip of the tongue-
multiple piercings on the tongue- a bar bell going through the tip of your tongue- the
times have changed since I was younger. Its a dark and scary world out there now.
And at number 1--Nipple ring- yeah this one
may be considered an extremely hot piercing but it is dangerous and really hurts. If this piercing gets infected your in trouble. But if you take care of it then things should
be fine. But it does take awhile to heal.
However currently this is one of the most
popular piercings out there. Everyone seems to be doing it. Especially celebrities. Which is super obvious since recently bras
have become pass and no one wears them any more.
And there you have it thats our list of
the top 5 hottest piercings on a girl. Let me know out of the piercings I just mentioned
which one you think is the hottest? Thank you so much for watching and ill catch
you on the next one..
Hello everyone im court mcginley and welcome
back to the most amazing top 5. Sit back subscribe and let me entertain you. Before we get started I want to know-what
do you think is the most attractive piercing out there. Let me know your answers down in the comments.
Also I have a challenge for you guys lets
see if we can get this video to 300 likes. And if you havnt subscribed yet then please
do- all you have to do is hit that red subscribe button just down there and thats it your
subscribed. Alright without further a due lets get started
on our top 5 hottest piercings on a boy. Coming in at our number 5 spot--Nipplenow
as much as guys like girls to have nipple piercing- girls like guys to have them too.
Its not a bad sight to see- a shirtless guy
on the beach- with a nipple ring. And thats not coming from me thats coming
from an internet poll. The women love those men with nipple rings. And apparently most women prefer the barbell
as opposed to the dangly circular ring.
And I can definitely get behind that- a circular
nipple ring wouldnt be cute. In at number 4--Eyebrowthis is one I 100
percent agree with. An eyebrow piercing is definitely hot on a
guy. Now I have to admit in a little biased with
this one as my fianc has an eyebrow piercing.
I like it so much that I had him re-pierce
it years ago after it closed up from working at Tommy Hilfigure. Yeah apparently that company doesnt understand
how amazing this facial piercing is and made him remove it during business hours. But my fianc and I are getting engaged at
the end of this month and I think he wants to take it- were getting older so I get it. But it will be missed.
RIP eyebrow piercing RIP
At number 3--Ears (Spacers)-Just like women guys look good with their ears pierced. Simple yet classic. But according to the internet what women really
love to see on guys is spacers. Women love those stretched out era lobes.
But this is one trend you have to be 100 percent
committed to before hopping on board. Because once you stretch those babies our
far enough theres no going back. You can never wear normal earrings again. If there just little spacers im pretty sure
they can shrink back down to size but if you go too big youre going to be a grandpa with
some dangly earlobes.
Coming in at number 2--Lipapparently women
love a good side lip piercing on a guy. And im not going to lie im not against it. I remember when I was in high school a lot
of guys hopped on this band wagon and on most guys it looked good. Aside you know for the guys who didnt take
care of it properly and it was all red and pusey- so yeah guys if youre willing to take
care of it its not a bad piercing to have.
And ay number 1--Tongue- and to my surprise
this came up as the most popular and hottest piercing on a boy. Guys and girls love this piercing on a guy..Who
knew. And if you guy watched my hottest piercings
on girls video- if you havnt make sure you do after this video. But if you did watch it then you know that
the standard tongue ring is no longer all thats out there.
We now also have multiple piercings and bar
bell tongue tip piercings. But for men people are about just the standard
tongue ring vibe. So thats good to know. Well there you have it thats the Top 5
Hottest Piercings on A Boy.
Thank you guys so much for watching and ill
catch you in the next one..
Okay, so today is the day after I took my tongue piercing It's a bit swollen Okay, it's a lot swollen it's difficult to talk because it's difficult to use my tongue Really really really painful. I haven't eaten since I took it, I took it about I took it 4:30 yesterday p.M.. And Now it's like 10 a.M.. The next morning so its painful But it's worth it But like...
I slept like a baby last night, like no problems with sleeping or like all spit coming out of my mouth But it's okay um I. It was worse yesterday than it is today, but I dont know how itll be throughout the day I can make a whole video about talking about how painful it was to actually take the piercing, and also my tongue for the weird cuz I. Have never had like this this "fishy" tongue before Really weird. I thought it was going to be more swollen.
I can't really feel it it being swollen and I tried to take some paracetamol some painkillers cuz the woman who took my tongue piercing, she said that painkillers and Ice cubes are the best way to live that week and also soup and stuff, but I. Was going to take some painkillers, but was like I. Couldn't swallow it So it was like The the water and everything is just like falling at my mouth. I couldn't even do anything about it I'm really hungry.
I really am hungry. I have a lot of food. I can't eat it Yeah, so we'll see how it goes throughout today, okay, so it's like 10 p.M.. And It's not more or less swollen But, it hurts more to talk especially in Norwegian.
Norwegian is harder to speak English But it's okay. But I can't eat I tried to eat some soup. But it was noodles in it and I couldn't eat noodles, I could only drink the soup Thats the only thing ive been eating all day I've been trying to eat something else as well, but just didnt work So I'm looking forward whether to see whether I can eat tomorrow Day 2 is about 3 p.M.. And I woke up with some blood on my tongue and I could eat and I could speak And this is how it looks...
Still pretty swollen, and I've been using like an hour to eat, so my tongues pretty tired It's getting better today, it is. So we'll see how it goes throughout today by the way, I ate chicken soup and some nutrition drink, so Im pretty full. I was so hungry Being the stupid person I am,.. Its around 12 a.M btw..
In the same day Being the stupid person I am: I was eating pizza and I was like forcing my tongue to eat all day cuz I was so hungry It is what happened It doesn't look good right? Okay, so I just cleansed my tongue and okay, so tomorrow I'm going to promise myself to To not push my tongue to eat something it doesn't want to eat I'm just going to eat soup, I guess It's pretty good now, and I can see that the piercing is longer now But it hurts. It hurts really bad, so I think Im not gonna talk more today good morning, I just Brushed my teeth and stuff. I woke up and I had no pain in my tongue, but now I have again I don't even know where I was gonna go over It's still swollen I don't know, but I feel like I can talk maybe a little bit better, but thats probably because I haven't used my tongue today So Im just going to continue watching my series. So now it's about So now Its about 6.30 P.M I was just sucking on an ice cube So the only thing I've been eating/drinking today is this Nutri drink which is 300 Calories Just you know to make myself feel a little bit full because I promised myself.
I was going to be careful with my tongue today And I have a little bit of a yellow tongue now because this is a yellow drink. It's tropic tropic taste and it's like Orange juice but not orange just like the color orange, so that's why I have a little bit of a yellow tongue The swallowing has been... I'm not that swollen anymore and I can talk better, I think probably because I haven't barely I haven't barely been speaking today, so that might be one factor, but I'm just going to continue to Stay in bed watching some series and stuff and see how everything goes after so um Talk to you guys later. Byee Hey everyone, so I actually didn't get to film anything yesterday So I'm filming today Well my tongue is doing pretty good.
Yesterday.. How was yesterday? I had a little bit of pain cuz I was eating a lot I was eating the whole day like I swear but it was okay and Today I. Found out and I'm going to have exam in English International English so I'm just preparing myself So that's how it looks today. It's not swollen anymore I can brush my tongue I can eat, but still soup because you know I want to keep my want to keep my mouth just like Good before the exam so that I can speak properly So I've been eating tomato soup with some macaroni Which was really really easy to eat It was and that's what I've been eating today yeah, yeah, so Today, I'm having my exam.
It's a 8 days since I took the tongue piercing, and I've got oral thrust and that's really nasty Yes, I've got oral thrust. I'm not gonna show you, but you have probably seen it before that's the consequences of using too much mouthwash but whatever so I'm going on my examining like 20 minutes, and Im so so nervous thank you everyone for sticking with me through my tongue piercing experience my first week of my tongue piercing. I recommend everyone to get a tongue piercing if you want to because its worth the pain. I swear because it's so nice and the pain only last for one week..
Less than a week and after that you have it for as long as you like, so Um yeah, thank you.
You should be the boss here... But you were here when we talked... Either the music was too loud, or I didn't hear it Just ask Moshu I don't need to ask anybody, I don't need to explain myself to you You can give me a call at the end of the day and report And we confirm or not, we don't leave things like *******, 'cause we're all working in the same shop You never know anything, you never know and you're always calling me Stop doing this...You guys are taking a decision, and I'm taking another one We're not two herds of animals taking different directions Black sheep and white sheep...No Not like Vanda says, leave her alone, she's a dreamer I wanted my first tattoo 19 years ago At that time I was in the USA, but changed my mind, and after that I promised myself that my first tattoo will represent my child My child was born, I had to wait some time So that the bone structure would form, so it wouldn't be a common baby face And then it took me another year to search for a tattoo artist that can rise up to the task I found someone in Hungary, but they did appointments in one year's time I guess the situation will also eventually come to that here, at Next Level Tattoos Costi It's certain that what he does...It's only good stuff Otherwise I wouldn't have come here Mariusica, come here! Come and hold him! Take his t shirt out of here Yeah, and that's all I've done some research, considering the fact that it's for life I prefer to get all the information first So I got the information, this it what I found and what I like in this moment My little daughter...Her mother has more tattoos that I do I have none, and she has about 4 or 5 And all the tattoo surprise chewing gums...My daughter buys them and sticks the tattoos on herself She can't wait to get some real ones I started working pretty relaxed on this portrait, I wanted to take it easy for him Especially since it's his first tattoo I thought I should be more...More kind Yeah and, after some time I looked at the clock and saw that I've gone a bit over the scheduled time I love working realistical portraits Lately, people have started asking for portrait tattoos when they walk into shops, which is a great thing They don't just want the child name, they want his/her portrait This is, from my point of view, a much more beautiful thing And what's more weird than making Guta's portrait? You have no idea about the amount of reviews that thing got on the internet...Some are for it, some against it... I wanted to show the people how a good portrait is done, you know? It can be the portrait of X,Y,Z, and people can't stand him, it doesn't matter I didn't really care about it We will never get rid of this mindset, at least here in Romania, a few generations have to be born...
Untill the old ones are gone... And certain ideas are lost...We will still have some preconceptions left Well...About preconceptions... I once saw an old man, he was about 75-80 years old He and his wife were from Holland, and they were tattooed from head to toe That's when I thought that... I like what I see So I said, if I like this, another one will like mine The idea is very simple...Not everybody has to like you I don't know if it's okay to be liked by everyone First and foremost you have to like yourself, you don't need another's approval And if I like the way a tattooed 75 years old looks like And his tattooes were all tied in the same idea, not just random stuff, like prison tattoos Yeah, it's okay Lately I've been tattooing all sorts of portraits...Grandmothers, husbands...
All sorts of cases, and dramas Generally it's children portraits that are most requestested It's even more difficult with children portraits, a bit more challenging, because their features aren't yet well formed And you have to be very careful with the shadows, the light you use on the face, because it might not resemble the picture in the end Color realism is often used in other countries Here, we're still trying to educate people about realism First of all, it's easier to make it look good in black & grey, because most of the people have a really tanned skin The guy who came in earlier with a portrait came here 4-5 days ago with really tanned, sun burned skin I almost started crying when I looked at him, "What are you doing here with that tanned skin?" And if you don't take good care of your tattoo, or your skin in general It's useless having colours Because when you are doing a colour portrait, you have about 9 different light, fine colour tones At your first sunbath, it's destroyed This is the reason we're first trying to educate people about black&grey, and then, step by step, with colour I've had the change to work on some clients from Norway and Finland, that have really fair skin They don't have a tan, so obviously I convinced them on some colour portraits It's strictly about the maintenance of the tattoo in the long run As I've told you before, if you have really light colours in your tattoo, they will gradually fade Because of the sun, UV lamps, and so on... There are clients that, even though you explain everything thoroughly, they still call you about their tattoo with questions like: " I didn't take a shower, can I take a shower? I don't think I should wash the tattoo" I hear a lot of these things... So, what can I say, we're giving like 80% (at least) in this shop The other 20% depends on you and how you take care of your tattoo Now I'm definitely sure of what I did It materialized and came out perfectly in my opinion I think it's also Costi's opinion, if you ask him My little girl will certainly be excited to see it She's already waiting, she knows I'm doing it, we'll see when I get home It came out perfectly It's her, no doubt about it! What's next? I don't know, I suppose the first one is the hardest The rest will come along as I go We will see, there will certainly be another Stay like this for 5-10 minutes I want this tattoo, for celebrating my second daughter's birth I also had a tattoo for my first daughter, so it's only natural I had a tattoo for my second child So there will be no trouble at home My first tattoo wasn't a portrait, I just wrote my daughter's name So now I'll have them both, so none of them will get mad They're the light of my life The hourglass represents the time, that is very precious for everybody And they will stay forever with me, on my arm So it's gonna be all for the best! This one was a bit more complicated But I was lucky the guy trusted me He let me play with the subject and create something around his own idea He found a book in the shop, made by a good friend of ours, Bullet He said he wants something like that, with his children included It was pretty difficult, especially with the first portrait, which was a baby portrait She doesn't have many personal features yet, but it was ok He had the courage to try out this type of tattoo, with parts of the faces People generally choose the whole face for the portrait But the result is something that was truly worth it I got the idea here at the shop, I wasn't decided on what I should get With the books, and with Vanda's help, I figured it out I'm very pleased, I was expecting it to be nice, but not like this It's very good, very beautiful Costi is a true artist, I knew about him, I heard about him, and his work only confirmed what I already knew He's number one! Each and every portrait tattoo is a challenge Every one is something different and it doesn't matter that I'm tattooing girlfriend's or mother's face There are cases when clients walk in the shop with their loved one that they want to get tattooed And you have to give your 100% At the end of the tattoo that person has to see himself/herself in that tattoo And it's different every time, it's hard With children it's pretty complicated Because, believe it or not, they can recognize their faces When the clients gets home and shows the child their portrait, they have to see themselves I remember that when I got my child's portrait on my chest, David was about 2, 2 and a half years old And when I showed him, he didn't even know how to talk and he was like" Aaa...Bebe?" He clearely knew it was him This is clearely an exam, so to say When I meet with my son, he wants to see himself every time " Let me see, let me see myself, daddy!" So, it's also a joy for the kids! They will certainly like it I think I'll wake the older one now to show her I can't wait until tomorrow They are my pride, for life The tattoo is part of my life now www.Costi-tattoo.Com.
Edymek: Okay, hello. Let's greet in front of cameras. Edymek: Say your name. Diana: Hey.
I'm Diana. On today's video we'll talk about how to quit smoking. Edymek: Exactly! Edymek: Well, in some sense... How many years are you smoking? Diana: I don't want to lie, but about 13 years.
Edmyek: It's very, very long. Diana: Yes. Although I had annual break. Edymek: So maybe tell how you quit smoking for year.
Diana: It was of coercion. I got pregnant. I was born daughter. Diana: I left the assumption that I can poison myself, but not my child.
That's why I quit smoking. Diana: Later, when I went back to school... First, second, third ciggarete... Diana: And that's how I'm smoking again for about 8 years.
Edymek: How you quit smoking? You've used some sticking plasters? Diana: I just do it. Children was my motivation. Edymek: So in this movie we thinking children are best motivation to quit smoking. :D.
Edymek: What's your fettle when you are smoking? Edymek: Can you repeat how long are you smoking? Diana: About eight years when I'm smoking ciggaretes again. Edymek: How are you feeling? How it looks when you get up? You have cough or something? Diana: Sometimes cough hound me. Diana: Day without ciggarete is not a good day for me. Diana: When I get up firstable I'm smoking, because I'm just starting day with it.
Diana: Before sleep also I must smoke. During the day I'm trying... Diana: I'm trying to smoke. Edymek: How many ciggaretes are you smoking in one day? Diana: Average about 20 (one pack) Edymek: It's quite a few.
Edymek: Have you any health feelings? Had you any diseases or something related with ciggaretes? Edymek: As we discussed about tongue that ciggaretes helps it. Diana: Definitely! Diana: Due to that I'm working in bodypiercing it's known that piercing makes it impossible to smoke ciggaretes. Diana: So... E-ciggaretes are better for our clients when If already they wants to smoke that ecigs are the best solution.
Edymek: Here I must improve you. - Not smoke, just vape. Edymek: People laughs at this, but it's important, because it doesn't come to combustion reaction. Edymek: All of people ruling who set all rules didn't see difference and it'll be okay to when we would see difference in this.
Diana: As I said, we're explaining to people it's better to invest in e-ciggarete, because when we are smoking ciggarete we are only breathing tobbaco included in e-juice. Diana. And it's cold... Cold steam! Edymek: Yes, cloud.
By the way in e-juices are no tarry substances. Edymek: There is only glicol, glycerine and aromas. Edymek: You know... In different amounts.
Diana: It's much safer. Diana: Hardly anyone knows that after fresh piercing smoking increase chances to get cancer. Edymek: Exactly... And so it's high risk with ciggaretes.
Edymek: Here we have e-cig - Innokin Endura T18, which is cool for people which are smoking ciggaretes and they want quit it for e-cigs. Edymek: Such pretty pink. Diana: Perfect for me! Edymek: Look at this and tell me what are you thinking about it as substitute for ciggarete. Diana: Primarily what is important for me it's very compact.
Diana: As I see it's so small, so it'll be easy hide somewhere. Edymek: Exactly! Diana: And there'll be no problem. Edymek: Yes. Primarily I think it's important for people which wants to quit smoking to not have something heavy, big, something what will be not bother them Edymek: Ciggaretes however are light...
Diana: Light, but stow e-cig will be a little bit harder... Edymek: That's right, but you can hide it pocket or somewhere... E-cigs sometimes are heavier. Edymek: Okay, here we have e-juices for you.
Edymek: Which flavor you want? Here we have apple pie. Diana: Apple pie! I'm very curious about that apple pie. Edymek: Well... Here we have coils.
Edymek: Here you have one more coil, two mouthpieces... One is cooler... Edymek: In sense... It's here because first EGO e-cigs had these mouthpieces.
Edymek: At all you have pad which allows to e-cig can stand. Edymek: Of course here you everything written... Which colors means charge status Edymek: Green means battery is fully charged, yellow means battery is half charged and red almost discharged. Edymek: You have cool charging method, because charging port is below.
Edymek: Really, really easy. Diana: At least it'll don't be dusty. Edymek: Yes, exactly. Nothing dirty wouldn't come to inside of it.
Edymek: And you just pour it on the wall... Edymek: You can smell it this apple pie flavor. You was really curious... Edymek: It smells like apple pie? Edymek: It's also advantage over ciggaretes that you have a lot of flavors to try...
Diana: And primarily when you're standing somewhere on the street people wouldn't scream "why are you stenching here?!". Edymek: Yes... And there is next question. How people are reacting when you are smoking? Edymek: Had you any unpleasant situations with this? How are you dealing with it? Edymek: In this moment is prohibition to not smoke practically anywhere.
Edymek: E-cigs too, but ciggaretes are more denying by society. Diana: I'm trying... Diana: If I am somewhere on the street I'm trying to be careful. Not everyone must like to breathe tobbaco smoke Diana: I'm not smoking near to my daughter...
Diana: And this is really important issue as well. Diana: If I have possibility to watch people who's vaping I see other people are don't paying attention to them Edymek: Exactly. Maybe for many people it can be disturbing it's after all very enjoyable smell, which isn't be irritant... Edymek: And what is worth to see it's not poisonous.
Edymek: Concentration of everything maked by e-cig is so small... Practically zero. Edymek: It's about 0,00...Or something... In case of ciggaretes it's not.
Diana: Yeah, it'a a fact! Diana: So... There's no need to look for trash... Or like some of people are doing, where they are staying there that are throwing... Edymek: All in all everybody is so taught...
Diana: I'm just taught that everything must me throwed to the trash. Edymek: Very good! Edymek: Okay, I think you can try it now. Diana: How to turn it on? Edymek: Five clicks turns it on, and five clicks turns it off. Edymek: If you are hiding it somewhere it's better to turn it off.
Diana: O! Edymek: What kind of feeling is it? Edymek: It's your second time with e-cig, right? You told me that you tried e-cig earlier, so just tell me how goes your first time with e-cigs. Diana: In the first time I choked so much until tears came to my eyes. Diana: I don't know... It's too high nicotine content in e-juice or e-cig was too strong...
I really don't know. Diana: But now I feel really good flavor and I think it will be really good motivation to quit smoking Edymek: I keep my fingers crossed for you. Edymek: And it's really important to choose good e-cig. Edymek: There is a lot of e-cigs which are predicted for people who's are trying to quit smoking.
Edymek: But if you'll try something like this and I would have e-juice with a higher conent of nicotine and you know you're going to be upset Edymek: And it's actually really imporant to choose good e-cig. Edymek: In shop like this one (it's not a advertisement), but really can choose e-cig and... It's worth it! Edymek: Ask your friends, let someone recommend and just go to one of shop like this. Diana: Now I know which one I can recommend.
Edymek: Maybe you can still say what is your taste expirience, how about content of nicotine or if it's important to you to feel that "kick" which is in ciggaretes. Edymek: When you are smoking you feel that "kick"... Edymek: When you are vaping like I have you don't have that or it's really small. Edymek: But in this case you can have bigger amount of nicotine included and you can feel it.
Diana: Exactly in this flavor it's a little bit weaker, although I must try different flavor, different amounts of nicotine and choose one good for me. Diana: When regards to ciggaretes when you breathe you feel scratching in the throat etc. Edymek: It's cool for many people and many people like it Edymek: You also have 12mg and I think they will be appropriate. Edymek: How much you monthly spend for ciggaretes? Diana: Differently.
As I said I'm smoking one pack of ciggaretes in one day. Diana: Month has about thirty days, so it's about 450z Edymek: So it's a lot of money. Yeah, that's right. Edymek: And there is really important thing, because they want to enter excise for e-juices.
Edymek: In this moment 10ml of e-juice/aroma costs about 10-11z and with excise it'll cost about 100% more. Edymek: So congratulations for the rulers. Edymek: How about clothes? Diana: It's really hard. Especially with thick clothes.
Jackets are really well absorbs smoke. When winter season ends up, before I hide jacket in the wardrobe I must wash it about three times to ventilate it. Edymek: Same cons of cigarettes... Edymek: We didn't find any pros.
Edymek: Can you use e-cig in your workplace? Diana: Yes. I can use e-cig without any problems in my workplace, in room wherein, because I know it'll not affect on me and my clients. Edymek: That is another plus. Edymek: Okay.
Thanks for now. We are in touch. We'll see in about week and we'll talk again. Edymek: Thank you for watching.
Welcome to the next episode. Today we invited Keroina. Hello! Shes is passionate about make-up. You can check it out on her Facebook profile.
Tell us what you decided to pierce? I hesitated over lip labret, in the end I chose nostril. Awesome! But before we do it, I have to inform you about a few important things. OK. Nostril piercing heals about 2 3 months.
At that time its the best not to remove it, or at least for first 6 weeks. If you won't be sure that everything is healing properly, come to me we will consult it. And if it will have to be replaced, I will help you of course. Great.
-Because you are a make-up artist, you do make up other people and also yourself.
- Yes. Are you planning to make-up yourself in next 3 months, during the healing process? Yes, but because of healing time I will try to - I will have to avoid this area. So all face powders, fluids, foundations and make-up removers have to avoid nostril.
Because it can affect the healing time. And even result in infection. Would long time make-up can do any harm? No if the tunnel is healed. You can use retainer to save jewellery from getting dirty.
It's a plastic plug. And now I have a question for you: because retainer is made of plastic... I've seen using special glues for attaching silicone parts in makeup. Does this glue can effect on plastic? There is a lot of types of glues, but none can melt the plastic.
So there won't be any problem to use this retainer. What to use to remove this glue from your face? It's best to use alcohol. Also alcohol shouldn't react with plastic. What about fake blood? Does it have any ingredients that can irritate the tunnel? How to clean it up? Fake blood is made of corn syrup, so nothing would happen if some blood would get in healed piercing.
You can wash it off with soap and water. Well that's fantastic. So we're done with makeup issues. Let's talk about smoking.
There is no significant restrictions. The most important is not to inhale and breathe the smoke with your nose. As regards the alcohol, it's best to reduce it. At least limited it.
After nostril piercing, you can get a runny nose. Later, after piercing is done I will show you how to safety blow your nose. So let's do this! For healing time I wont give you the ring, because it could extend the healing process. And besides, it wont be comfortable to clean.
But we will try on different rings, so you can see how you will look and you will decide about piercings spot. Now we are disinfecting piercing spot and Im marking the one you've chosen. And here we go! Nostril piercing can be unpleasant, because tear ducts are damaged during the procedure, and that causes involuntary tearing. It may be painful due to the tissue structure.
But everything depends on the person. Of course when you are in capable hands unpleasant feeling lasts much shorter. So it's worth to go the professional for a new piercing. When you will want to blow your nose, hold gently a tissue to the nostril piercing, then move the tissue horizontally to this side.
Remember do not pull the tissue, because you can take off the piercing. And when you do, do not even try to put it back. Firstly it won't be sterile, secondly even with flexible bioplast piercing you can hurt the wound. - Come to me, I will help you to put it back.
-Ok. Now I will show you how to clean it. The best way is to use sterile gauze pad, however it can be difficult. So you can use a normal ear bud.
Spray it with Octenisept. If there's too much just shake it off. Put a clean finger into your nose so you can touch the hook that blocks jewellery. Gently press it and when crystal will lift up, you can clean it.
Do it this way 2 - 3 times a day for at least 6 weeks. - You can clean it inside if you want.
-Ok, great. That's all.
Do you have any questions, doubts? How long this redness will last? It can last only today or a couple of days. It's a matter of irritated skin, as a result of removing make up and sterilizing with alcohol. So the body itself needs to come back to the right colour. Alright, that's great.
So how do you feel after piercing? I thought it would be more painful. And now I only fell like I'm having something on my nose, and that's all. Thank you very much for disfiguring my face. It's beautiful! Thank you very much for taking part in our episode.
Please subscribe our channel. If you have any questions about any piercing, please comment. See you soon!.
Hey, what's up everybody, my name is Kat,
I wanted to create a video of how to insert or install a septum chain, which is a unique
style of jewelry that I haven't actually seen on YouTube anywhere. So this is what it looks like when it's not
in your septum. The length of it is determined by the distance
between your nostrils where you're pierced. If you have a bigger nose you might need a
longer chain.
I don't know how long mine is. This is basically - maybe it's easier to see
it like this. That's all it is - it's just basically a chain,
but it hooks up to - into or onto a retainer or a curved barbell. Like a horseshoe.
That a lot of people use as initial jewelry. So you don't actually insert this into your
septum - you hook it onto another piece of jewelry. So you need a standard retainer - the square
kind or the curved kind - or just the curved barbell jewelry. And it has a - it's a chain with two bigger
circles at the ends that you use to hook and this particular pierce of jewelry is from
Colby Smith - this is his original work - he is a jewelry designer as well as a piercer
and I say that because I don't know if others are imitations - I'm trying to be respectful
of his work. So. You need to have your septum pierced first. You can use this as initial jewelry - but
you have to have a pierce of jewelry inserted into your septum first, so like you don't
actually have the chain in your septum - I.
Have mine in already - I've taken off the
balls of the standard curved barbell right here - I keep it flipped up because it's actually
going to move around and fall out - because I don't have the balls, I actually lost them. But I used to have a regular retainer - that's
what I was pierced with and it didn't work for me - it was too tight - and I kept developing
irritation bumps. Anyway - so. How to put on the chain is - hook it onto
one side - right here you see it's hooked up and then you basically just move it.
Hold it with one finger - sexy - and you hook
it onto the other side of the actual largest circle in the chain link. Then you basically just hold it so that it
doesn't fall back off as you flip your retainer or your curved barbell into your nose and
then that's it - see - now you have the chain on the outside - as your retainer is holding
it on the inside in place. My nose is long in the front so I can put
the whole thing right into my nostrils like right here - so it's very secure. And it's not going to fall out.
If your nostrils are more - or your nose is
shorter you might need an actual retainer that's fitted so that it doesn't flip down
- if it flips down on its own the jewelry is actually just going to slide off of it. So be careful but this is essentially how,
wherever you buy your chain. If you get it off Etsy - they have a lot of
options on Etsy. But that's kind of - if you're using this
particular style of jewelry, that's how you do it.
Some people prefer to lie on their back and
just - you don't really need to see it because you feel the bigger circles and you just kind
of feel as it hooks onto both ends of the retainer and the most important thing is to
keep moving it back into your nose while you're holding the chain in place so it doesn't fall
apart so there you have it. Have fun and I will link the place to buy
the jewelry below..
I like to pierce on the one single exhale. Most of it is all in your head. Pain is temporary. Vanity is forever.
My mom has this thing where her grandma would always tell her, If God wanted a hole on your body, he wouldve put it there. Just to get my ears pierced, I had to wait until I was in tenth grade. And I begged for them. My name is Melissa and Im getting a nose piercing today.
So I have both ears pierced, but two holes on this side. I had my cartilage done. My nose done and my belly button. I had my nose piercing for a little over a year but I kind of got tired of where the piercing was placed.
I really love wearing hoops and mine hung way too low for me. Im definitely looking forward to going to someone who knows what theyre doing. Were going to clean you up, mark you up, and then pierce you up. My name is Brian Thompson.
I own Body Electric. Ive been piercing for about ten years now. If my Commanding Officer was to see me now, he would say I was an idiot. This is not in Marine Corps regulation except for my haircut.
Thats what drew me to tattooing and piercing is that I could manipulate and change my body the way I wanted to and nobody had a say in it. Theres two sides of piercing. Theres the actually physical act of of piercing and then theres decorating, knowing where to put it. I am a decorator.
Placement is definitely important when it comes to piercing. When you get a piercing done, it shapes your face. If its in a weird spot, you might feel uncomfortable or you might feel like you look weird. I dont myself use a piercing gun.
Thats not to say that the gun doesnt work. It does. But me, if Im going to decide, Im going to get pierced with a needle every single day. Im not going to use the gun.
When the piercing gun is used, it is basically using blunt force trauma. It is taking a stud, that is fastened to a point, and using the spring loaded force of that gun to puncture it through your earlobe. Youre going to see the fibers eject from the backside, where the actual jewelry exits. Thats happening to your ear as well.
Right after youre pierced, youre going to have more swelling. Inflammation causes pain. So then youre going to have more pain. Its going to take longer to heal, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Now a puncture is going to heal slower than a cut. A needle may be round, but its still cutting. Its basically like a circular, tiny little scalpel. A piercing needle, its one mission on this planet, is to do what? Pierce the body.
A piercing needle is hollow. It pierces quicker, and without any kind of drag. It doesnt remove any tissue, it just opens a space. Right now Im just setting up a little bit of ink for marking, sterile lubricant, and a little bit of soap for scrubbing.
When I get set up to pierce, nothing is pre-sterilized, I do it all while you wait. Gauze, the needle, jewelry, toothpick I use for marking, everything runs through this machine. Its this button, there we go. Once its complete, I bring the client back.
Thats when we pierce. Alright so, what Im going to do is get lined up and once I am, Im going to have you take a big deep breath, okay? In through your nose, slow and concentrated, out through your mouth. Okay? Your right eyes going to water. Okay.
Just let it happen. Take a deep breath all the way in. All the way out. I like to pierce on the one single exhale.
Deep breath in, exhale, thats when I pierce. First, its a sharp pinch. You have a lot of nerve endings on your nostril. Its a very sharp pinch, but it subsides very rapidly.
The next is youre going to feel warmth in the area. Blood is rushing in the area. The eye immediately waters. Well done my dear! So, when youre getting your nose pierced, it happens quickly.
Its a pinch. Its the anticipation that makes it feel like its going to be a lot worse. But it isnt. Everybodys eyes waters.
Even Bruce Lee if he got his nose pierced, his eyes wouldve watered too. If you build it up, and make it about the negativity of the pain, then I think youre going about it all wrong. You should look at it in a positive light. Can I do this? A slight change made such a big difference.
He moved it up a little bit and to the side, and I think it looks so much better. If you really want to do it, then sit down and make it happen. You can always take it out..