back to the most amazing top 5. Sit back subscribe and let me entertain you. Before we get started I want to know- what
piercing would you never get? Let me know your answers down in the comments. Also if you havnt subscribed yet what are
you waiting for? Its super easy all you have to do is hit that
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And thats it your subscribed. Also I have a challenge for you guys lets
see if we can get this video to 400 likes. And if you havnt seen our part one of 2 of
this list then make sure you go and check them out after this video. Alright without further adue lets get started
on our list of the top 5 most dangerous piercings part 3.
Coming in at our number 5 spot- Nipple- as
popular as nipple piercings seems to be right now there are many potential risks that come
along with it. Such as- infections- nerve damage- bleeding-
Hematoma- blood filled cysts- nipple cysts- and scaring. So yeah a lot of scary things can potentially
happen. Also its not a very well known fact but nipple
piercings are also associated with hepatitis B and C and even HIV.
I just dont know if its worth the risk. Its a lot to think about especially if you
get it before you hav kids. You have to think about the future- and if
you wat kids and plan to breast feed them. If things go wrong that will no longer be
an option.
And if youre a man wanting a nipple ring
then breast feeding isnt an issue put all the potential risks can still happen to you. In at number 4- Cheek piercing- Cheek piercings
are known for their high rejection rate. They also tend to migrate and get infected
really easily if not taken care of properly. Just getting this piercing done by an unskilled
person can result in an infection.
Now obviously your not going to have your
friend do it- but if you go to a piercing shop and get it done by someone whos not skilled
in this piercing it can get infected easily. If infected your cheeks will become red and
swell. And saving the best for last- you can also
develop Puss filled sacks on the inside of your cheeks. This will leave a nasty taste and smell in
your mouth.
I mean its infection just sitting in your
mouth. Yeah not cute. At number 3- Spacers- spacers are super popular
but if not done professionally of taken care of correctly your going to run into a lot
of problems. Each time you place a new gauge into the ear
hole you have an opportunity to get an infection.
Putting in a new gauge means you are stretching
the ear lobe wide enough to place the new one in. Your basically continuously opening a new
wound which your body keeps trying to heal. Also if your not careful and use unclean gauges
or instruments to insert the gauge you could introduce bacteria. Then theres the very real and scary option
of tearing.
Basically youll have an earlobe torn in two. This is caused by trying to go up in size
too quickly and not allowing sufficient time for stretching in between each size. If this happens surgery is necessary to effectively
reshape the earlobe. Coming in at number 2- Stretched open Labret-
this is quite a bold piercing to get.
You would definitely need to do a lot of research
before getting this procedure done. You should also consult with your dentist
first to make sure your teeth and gums and in good health and make sure this piercing
wouldnt be dangerous for you as everyone is different. Apparently with certain people this piercing
can cause the gums to recede. So it all depends on your mouth.
Also since this is an open piercing theres
a higher risk when it comes to infection. It can also cause Jaw bone erosion- swollen
lips- tooth abrasion and tooth drift. And at number 1- Mandible- This is known as
one of the most dangerous piercings you can get. This piercing starts at the base of the tongue
and passes through several layers of tissue emerging underneath the chin.
This is a painful piercing to get as it passes
through a sensitive area that includes muscular tissue and runs in close proximity to a variety
of veins- important nerves and delicate cartilage. So you would need to get this done by a master
piercer. A lot of piercers actually refuse to attempt
tis piercing all together. Personally I dont really get the point
of this piercing I mean no one including yourself will be able to see it unless people want
to stare into your mouth at which point you need to start questioning your friendships.
Another downside of this piercing is that
it takes a really long time to heal. Also this piercing needs a lot of maintenance
and tends to ooze a lot. So yeah theres that. Well there you have it thats our list of
the top 5 most dangerous piercings part 3.
Thank you guys so much for watching and ill
catch you in the next one. [Type text].

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