What's happening welcome back to my channel. No. That's really awkward Hey guys What's happening welcome back to my channel unless you guys have never seen me before welcome to my channel so for today's video I'm gonna be trying on all of my tongue rings for you guys and just you know I don't know I'm just trying on my tongue rings so Originally this video was going to be me trying on all of my septum rings that I own because I'm up to my ass in septum rings I never wear any of them because they look so stupid on me So I started to try some on and I was like nope not today, and I was thinking to myself What else could I do and I chose to do my tongue ring collection? So let's go ahead and get right into this video. I have them right here.
Just soaking in some solution cleaner solution and The one that I never really change is the bottom ball in the bar So don't even try and come at me because I know it's getting a little crusty, and I needed a new one But the bar that I used is a flexible bar, and then I just use an acrylic ball on the bottom And then I do whatever I want on the top but the reason I keep these in is because the flexible bar is for me more comfortable and The acrylic ball helps with not wearing it my teeth and my gums So that's why I do that, and I will try and show you guys if my camera will zoom Properly, that's just what that looks like and this is the one that stays in my tongue all the time on the bottom hmmm The first one I'm going to do is a by far my favorite my favorite and I paid 50 cents for it You guys will see why I'm gonna. Go ahead and just try and put it in now and then zoom in after (Knocking)Yeah Hey mom guess what ( mom says something) So this one is definitely one of my favorites I don't never go wrong wearing that though because I mean actually I do I'm not gonna lie not how I actually do or I'm wearing that a lot I'm just like It feels so weird not having a time going in you can feel the roof of your mouth and every little crevice what I Look like an idiot. I need to stop. Let's go on and do okay well Let me get the original bar that I always work back in this next one is another one of my favorites I need to stop saying that cuz I'm gonna end up saying that about everyone actually.
No, I will not.So this one is ok. But the thing is I typically do not lean towards acrylic balls on the top I don't know why I'm just not a big fan of them. I think they're cute I just don't personally like them on me, so I don't really use acrylic I stayed a metal and like diamonds and rhinestones and stuff like that But I have a few and this is one of the very few that I actually do like And I've even got all of my other ones to still try on for you guys even though I don't wear them, and I'm not a big fan of them I'm starting to try them on for you guys But this is definitely my one favorite that I like of all my critics besides the bottom one you know I'm a mess So there's actually a pretty funny story to this one I was down in Alabama with my grandparents at this lake house and I had one tongue ring with me, and it was the one in my mouth I was not a prepared ass bitch as I am now back then and I ended up swallowing it in my sleep, which yeah, I know that probably sounds terrible But you know what I've swallowed like fucking ten by now so at this point. I don't even give a shit.
I swallowed one and I didn't have another one , as a back up. I wasn't sure if it was fully healed and that it would stay open a few more days and I didn't want to take any chances because if you guys have never gotten your tongue pierced that healing process is a Bitch go ahead and ask Satan's you just fuck you in the ass whole.Because that will feel better than the healing process I'm that is so terrible, but it was so terrible itself anyways I'm getting off topic but basically just getting your tongue pierced a healing process is like just sucking a fucking cactus like you suck a dick it hurts I. Went to Walmart which I didn't even know that walmart sells body jewelry But apparently they do and I found this pack of tounge rings, and I had all these like crazy Acrylic ones which I mean I don't like acrylic ones personally on me So I'm just kind of cringing when I bought it because I knew I was buying something that I really didn't like But I ended up liking it a lot more than I thought hey the next one I'm gonna try it on is just solid black Think this one looks really dope because the bar, I haven't slack to so it's just like solid black. Let me zoom in.
Okay the next one. I'm gonna do is gold Let's do some gold. I also have a dangly tongue ring and I know you guys are honestly probably sitting there right now Thinking what the fuck? How do you have it dangly tongue ring because I didn't even know these existed you learn something new every day should I go ahead and do that I think I'm gonna do that one first let's do that one first and Don't even come at me trying to say oh my god. That's a belly button ball because no I promise you guys This is a dangly tongue ring when I got it.
It said Dangly tongue ring and don't even try and come at me don't even I'm trying to put a fucking tongue ball on when I already have one on my tongue. I hate my-self I really hate my-self Was just like why is it not going on and I realize you know there's already a ball on it okay this one I'm not gonna lie it feels pretty weird. I don't think I would wear this one For a long and an extended amount of time because it feels really weird Okay the next one. I'm gonna do is a pearl.
I like the pearl one I just don't ever wear it, and I don't know why I'm pretty sure you guys all know what I mean where you have Something it doesn't even have to be a tongue ring But anything that you really like but you just don't ever find yourself using it just cuz same Ah shit, I just dropped the bar. Oh, it's okay. It's fine. I'm fine.
Everything's fine like This mine oh shit, I like this one a lot By the way you guys if it's not focusing on some of these I'm so sorry, I'm a Piece of shit, and I still don't know what I'm doing you would think forty-eight thousand subscribers later by the way Thank you so much for 48 thousand subscribers you guys all are so amazing and I just want you guys to know that Every one of you and I can't believe I'm even relevant enough to have 48 thousand of you guys even subscribe to me That's what blows my mind. Okay. It's not having to get emotional up in this bitch It's time to change some tongue rings So the one I am going to be trying on Is a basic pink, yuh it is pink. A little pink rhinestone, germ.
A little pink rhinestone germ. What ever you want to call it. Whatever you want to call it. Whatever floats your boat.
Swear to God when you're a youtuber if any of you guys ever become youtubers Or are youtubers you will understand this when you say something. It's like a gem There's always gonna be those fat Cunts that come in your comments and are like umm got that a rhinestone , not a gem The only reason I don't really like this one is because I feel like it blends in with my tongue a little bit and looks A tad weird, but I mean it's still cute I'm probably gonna go to edit this video. It's gonna look awful, and I'm gonna hate my life Nothing new okay next we're gonna go back to the gold one that I said I was gonna do but I forgot If I can get it undone Hello Why hello motherfucker Okay um It's not meant to be I don't know what to do next So the next two that I'm gonna do are both metal with rhinestones in them and then I'm gonna go ahead and the rest of them are gonna be Acrylics, which are ones that I don't ever wear, so I'm just gonna put those all together And this is the one that I'm always wearing pretty much always The next one is one that I do wear sometimes occasionally, and it's just your basic red gem, rhinestone Whatever floats your boat okay, don't forget singing off See I don't mind this one too much I. Like it better than the pink although.
I still feel like it kind of blends in with my tongue The cleaner solution is starting to soak through my Dixie cup Okay, this is my least hated of my acrylic ones, and it's actually the same one I have on the bottom It is clear and on the inside. It just has little sparkles You can't really see it when it's in. This is kind of the ones that I would wear if I had to go somewhere professional I'm kidding I do like to wear this when I go to job interviews Or stuff like that because I don't want to just be like hey look at my tongue ring You know I try and keep it a little on the low-key so yeah Alright you guys this next one is a red acrylic one and it has the yin-yang symbol on the top You know what is my hair doing god? I'm so sorry for just everything about this video except my background because the bitch worked hard on this, and I'm loving it not sponsored by McDonald's by the way, I'm such a Is that even their logo anymore Moto logo slogan Slogan that's it. That's the word is that even their slogan anymore.
I'm not sure that's a good question Okay, I'm getting down to like my final five And I know you guys are probably I know someone's gonna comment and say yo, those are really really small, but the thing about Tongue rings is I really like having smaller balls I don't like having big balls Oh my god There's no way to say that we keeping your shape means. I don't like having super huge balls in my mouth By order smaller ones, and I'm just gonna end up there So you know my head's cut off Man I just wanted oh shit almost dropped it man. I just wanna go flex going all my teeth it on my dick This one reminds me of a black-and-white beach ball Alright this next one. I have came in the same package with the one I got from Walmart That was rainbow stripes, and it's just this neon green one ( sound from her tongue) did you hear that I can't do it.
Kind of like this one I'm just not a fan of acrylic tongue rings. I don't know why Okay, and I have I mean. Okay. That's basically the same.
I'll just zoom in on this one It's acrylic and it's green and it just has like darker green stripes, so it's kind of like a little watermelon Not sure if that's gonna focus or not, but that's just what that one looks like Sorry if you can hear my chair squeaking you know it's some GoodWill shit! Alright and this last one is White and neon orange, I really need to step up my hungry game. I'm about to go and order some good tongue rings I'm just gonna leave this one in to conclude my video I. Guess if you guys want me to do a septum one. I will it's just gonna be embarrassing because I'm telling you nothing looks good on me except the horseshoe and Occasionally I can pull off an infinity ring.
I do have a golden a silver one and I can pull them off occasionally besides that I Look like a desperate wanna be tumbeler girl stuck her myspace face when I wear them And I'm not kidding you It was so bad on me, and it makes me somebody's I spend so much money on them to look like an idiot You know it'd be like that though. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. I hope you guys enjoy it I mean I didn't also do a belly run. Belly run That doesn't even okay.
No I. Can also do a belly ring try on collection if you guys want? I don't have the most pop and belly ring collection Which I'm going to go make an order and we gonna step the fuck up and make this collection and pop in But until that I guess I can do a belly ring collection for you guys if you want to see that Go ahead and comment below. I guess. I don't care.
Let me know. I don't know if you guys are interested I will have all of my social media linked down below for you guys in the description box along with my P.O box I hope each and every one of you have a beautiful amazing a wonderful day or night Wherever you guys are in as yall already know. I'll catch you all in my next video bye guys Wait no no last video. I said my new thing was gonna be Yes, bitch yes.

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