I wanted to create a video of how to insert or install a septum chain, which is a unique
style of jewelry that I haven't actually seen on YouTube anywhere. So this is what it looks like when it's not
in your septum. The length of it is determined by the distance
between your nostrils where you're pierced. If you have a bigger nose you might need a
longer chain.
I don't know how long mine is. This is basically - maybe it's easier to see
it like this. That's all it is - it's just basically a chain,
but it hooks up to - into or onto a retainer or a curved barbell. Like a horseshoe.
That a lot of people use as initial jewelry. So you don't actually insert this into your
septum - you hook it onto another piece of jewelry. So you need a standard retainer - the square
kind or the curved kind - or just the curved barbell jewelry. And it has a - it's a chain with two bigger
circles at the ends that you use to hook and this particular pierce of jewelry is from
Colby Smith - this is his original work - he is a jewelry designer as well as a piercer
and I say that because I don't know if others are imitations - I'm trying to be respectful
of his work. So. You need to have your septum pierced first. You can use this as initial jewelry - but
you have to have a pierce of jewelry inserted into your septum first, so like you don't
actually have the chain in your septum - I.
Have mine in already - I've taken off the
balls of the standard curved barbell right here - I keep it flipped up because it's actually
going to move around and fall out - because I don't have the balls, I actually lost them. But I used to have a regular retainer - that's
what I was pierced with and it didn't work for me - it was too tight - and I kept developing
irritation bumps. Anyway - so. How to put on the chain is - hook it onto
one side - right here you see it's hooked up and then you basically just move it.
Hold it with one finger - sexy - and you hook
it onto the other side of the actual largest circle in the chain link. Then you basically just hold it so that it
doesn't fall back off as you flip your retainer or your curved barbell into your nose and
then that's it - see - now you have the chain on the outside - as your retainer is holding
it on the inside in place. My nose is long in the front so I can put
the whole thing right into my nostrils like right here - so it's very secure. And it's not going to fall out.
If your nostrils are more - or your nose is
shorter you might need an actual retainer that's fitted so that it doesn't flip down
- if it flips down on its own the jewelry is actually just going to slide off of it. So be careful but this is essentially how,
wherever you buy your chain. If you get it off Etsy - they have a lot of
options on Etsy. But that's kind of - if you're using this
particular style of jewelry, that's how you do it.
Some people prefer to lie on their back and
just - you don't really need to see it because you feel the bigger circles and you just kind
of feel as it hooks onto both ends of the retainer and the most important thing is to
keep moving it back into your nose while you're holding the chain in place so it doesn't fall
apart so there you have it. Have fun and I will link the place to buy
the jewelry below..

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