I'm Diana. On today's video we'll talk about how to quit smoking. Edymek: Exactly! Edymek: Well, in some sense... How many years are you smoking? Diana: I don't want to lie, but about 13 years.
Edmyek: It's very, very long. Diana: Yes. Although I had annual break. Edymek: So maybe tell how you quit smoking for year.
Diana: It was of coercion. I got pregnant. I was born daughter. Diana: I left the assumption that I can poison myself, but not my child.
That's why I quit smoking. Diana: Later, when I went back to school... First, second, third ciggarete... Diana: And that's how I'm smoking again for about 8 years.
Edymek: How you quit smoking? You've used some sticking plasters? Diana: I just do it. Children was my motivation. Edymek: So in this movie we thinking children are best motivation to quit smoking. :D.
Edymek: What's your fettle when you are smoking? Edymek: Can you repeat how long are you smoking? Diana: About eight years when I'm smoking ciggaretes again. Edymek: How are you feeling? How it looks when you get up? You have cough or something? Diana: Sometimes cough hound me. Diana: Day without ciggarete is not a good day for me. Diana: When I get up firstable I'm smoking, because I'm just starting day with it.
Diana: Before sleep also I must smoke. During the day I'm trying... Diana: I'm trying to smoke. Edymek: How many ciggaretes are you smoking in one day? Diana: Average about 20 (one pack) Edymek: It's quite a few.
Edymek: Have you any health feelings? Had you any diseases or something related with ciggaretes? Edymek: As we discussed about tongue that ciggaretes helps it. Diana: Definitely! Diana: Due to that I'm working in bodypiercing it's known that piercing makes it impossible to smoke ciggaretes. Diana: So... E-ciggaretes are better for our clients when If already they wants to smoke that ecigs are the best solution.
Edymek: Here I must improve you. - Not smoke, just vape. Edymek: People laughs at this, but it's important, because it doesn't come to combustion reaction. Edymek: All of people ruling who set all rules didn't see difference and it'll be okay to when we would see difference in this.
Diana: As I said, we're explaining to people it's better to invest in e-ciggarete, because when we are smoking ciggarete we are only breathing tobbaco included in e-juice. Diana. And it's cold... Cold steam! Edymek: Yes, cloud.
By the way in e-juices are no tarry substances. Edymek: There is only glicol, glycerine and aromas. Edymek: You know... In different amounts.
Diana: It's much safer. Diana: Hardly anyone knows that after fresh piercing smoking increase chances to get cancer. Edymek: Exactly... And so it's high risk with ciggaretes.
Edymek: Here we have e-cig - Innokin Endura T18, which is cool for people which are smoking ciggaretes and they want quit it for e-cigs. Edymek: Such pretty pink. Diana: Perfect for me! Edymek: Look at this and tell me what are you thinking about it as substitute for ciggarete. Diana: Primarily what is important for me it's very compact.
Diana: As I see it's so small, so it'll be easy hide somewhere. Edymek: Exactly! Diana: And there'll be no problem. Edymek: Yes. Primarily I think it's important for people which wants to quit smoking to not have something heavy, big, something what will be not bother them Edymek: Ciggaretes however are light...
Diana: Light, but stow e-cig will be a little bit harder... Edymek: That's right, but you can hide it pocket or somewhere... E-cigs sometimes are heavier. Edymek: Okay, here we have e-juices for you.
Edymek: Which flavor you want? Here we have apple pie. Diana: Apple pie! I'm very curious about that apple pie. Edymek: Well... Here we have coils.
Edymek: Here you have one more coil, two mouthpieces... One is cooler... Edymek: In sense... It's here because first EGO e-cigs had these mouthpieces.
Edymek: At all you have pad which allows to e-cig can stand. Edymek: Of course here you everything written... Which colors means charge status Edymek: Green means battery is fully charged, yellow means battery is half charged and red almost discharged. Edymek: You have cool charging method, because charging port is below.
Edymek: Really, really easy. Diana: At least it'll don't be dusty. Edymek: Yes, exactly. Nothing dirty wouldn't come to inside of it.
Edymek: And you just pour it on the wall... Edymek: You can smell it this apple pie flavor. You was really curious... Edymek: It smells like apple pie? Edymek: It's also advantage over ciggaretes that you have a lot of flavors to try...
Diana: And primarily when you're standing somewhere on the street people wouldn't scream "why are you stenching here?!". Edymek: Yes... And there is next question. How people are reacting when you are smoking? Edymek: Had you any unpleasant situations with this? How are you dealing with it? Edymek: In this moment is prohibition to not smoke practically anywhere.
Edymek: E-cigs too, but ciggaretes are more denying by society. Diana: I'm trying... Diana: If I am somewhere on the street I'm trying to be careful. Not everyone must like to breathe tobbaco smoke Diana: I'm not smoking near to my daughter...
Diana: And this is really important issue as well. Diana: If I have possibility to watch people who's vaping I see other people are don't paying attention to them Edymek: Exactly. Maybe for many people it can be disturbing it's after all very enjoyable smell, which isn't be irritant... Edymek: And what is worth to see it's not poisonous.
Edymek: Concentration of everything maked by e-cig is so small... Practically zero. Edymek: It's about 0,00...Or something... In case of ciggaretes it's not.
Diana: Yeah, it'a a fact! Diana: So... There's no need to look for trash... Or like some of people are doing, where they are staying there that are throwing... Edymek: All in all everybody is so taught...
Diana: I'm just taught that everything must me throwed to the trash. Edymek: Very good! Edymek: Okay, I think you can try it now. Diana: How to turn it on? Edymek: Five clicks turns it on, and five clicks turns it off. Edymek: If you are hiding it somewhere it's better to turn it off.
Diana: O! Edymek: What kind of feeling is it? Edymek: It's your second time with e-cig, right? You told me that you tried e-cig earlier, so just tell me how goes your first time with e-cigs. Diana: In the first time I choked so much until tears came to my eyes. Diana: I don't know... It's too high nicotine content in e-juice or e-cig was too strong...
I really don't know. Diana: But now I feel really good flavor and I think it will be really good motivation to quit smoking Edymek: I keep my fingers crossed for you. Edymek: And it's really important to choose good e-cig. Edymek: There is a lot of e-cigs which are predicted for people who's are trying to quit smoking.
Edymek: But if you'll try something like this and I would have e-juice with a higher conent of nicotine and you know you're going to be upset Edymek: And it's actually really imporant to choose good e-cig. Edymek: In shop like this one (it's not a advertisement), but really can choose e-cig and... It's worth it! Edymek: Ask your friends, let someone recommend and just go to one of shop like this. Diana: Now I know which one I can recommend.
Edymek: Maybe you can still say what is your taste expirience, how about content of nicotine or if it's important to you to feel that "kick" which is in ciggaretes. Edymek: When you are smoking you feel that "kick"... Edymek: When you are vaping like I have you don't have that or it's really small. Edymek: But in this case you can have bigger amount of nicotine included and you can feel it.
Diana: Exactly in this flavor it's a little bit weaker, although I must try different flavor, different amounts of nicotine and choose one good for me. Diana: When regards to ciggaretes when you breathe you feel scratching in the throat etc. Edymek: It's cool for many people and many people like it Edymek: You also have 12mg and I think they will be appropriate. Edymek: How much you monthly spend for ciggaretes? Diana: Differently.
As I said I'm smoking one pack of ciggaretes in one day. Diana: Month has about thirty days, so it's about 450z Edymek: So it's a lot of money. Yeah, that's right. Edymek: And there is really important thing, because they want to enter excise for e-juices.
Edymek: In this moment 10ml of e-juice/aroma costs about 10-11z and with excise it'll cost about 100% more. Edymek: So congratulations for the rulers. Edymek: How about clothes? Diana: It's really hard. Especially with thick clothes.
Jackets are really well absorbs smoke. When winter season ends up, before I hide jacket in the wardrobe I must wash it about three times to ventilate it. Edymek: Same cons of cigarettes... Edymek: We didn't find any pros.
Edymek: Can you use e-cig in your workplace? Diana: Yes. I can use e-cig without any problems in my workplace, in room wherein, because I know it'll not affect on me and my clients. Edymek: That is another plus. Edymek: Okay.
Thanks for now. We are in touch. We'll see in about week and we'll talk again. Edymek: Thank you for watching.
We'll see in a week. Diana: Bye!.

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