You'll see those soon. The most common cheeks piercng jewelry are labrets. They are quite long, as you can see, but the actual length of your labret will depend solely on your anatomy and is fitted and measured by a piercer. You can put in two different materials.
The most convenient one is bioplast that I'm showing you here, and it's because bioplast is very flexible, very compatible with human body, and if you accidentally bite on it, there's no risk of ruining your teeth. The other material is titanium, but it all depends on your own preference. Okay, Diana told you about the jewelry that can be used, she has bioplast labrets, and that's why I'd like to ask Diana to tell us how was your healing process? Does it... Does it matter when you do this sort of piercing? Does using make-up and other facial cosmetics make it difficult to heal? Yes.
When it comes to choosing a season, well, I unfortunately chose the worst - summer. Obviously, during summer our bodies are swollen, additionally, things like sunlight, sand, sea water, none of those things are helpful during healing and I had to avoid them. Make-up is a bit problematic, too, because using powder, foundation, creams, or other cosmetics gets tedious in this case. I had to avoid the pierced area and be careful so as not to get residue stuck in the canal, which would make healing difficult.
Tell me - did you have any problems during healing your cheeks piercings? Was everything all right after they were healed? Does something still happen to it? If I remember correctly, you've had a cheeks piercing for 2 years now, right? Yes. Healing was a bit problematic for me, because my cheeks swelled very much and I looked like a hamster. Additionally, even though after 5 months they were fully healed, I often had some problems with them. There were various causes, weak immune system for example, or an oral problem.
It all came down to me having inflammation and I had to use either medicine or natural remedies. SInce you have labrets made from bioplast, did you happen to bite down on one of them? Yes, I bit down on them a few times, Once or twice I bit off a chunk of a labret while eating. So, don't rush when eating! And now boom, bang, wow! Cheeks piercing done with microdermals! It's a very interesting solution, because microdermals are not coming through the cheek, like labrets or bars, so thankfully cheeks swell much less. And when everything heals, it's a paradise for you - there is an ample choice of microdermal screws, turquoise, sapphire, opals, various colours, little ladybugs, bees, stars, whatever you may want.
And finally: we have Paulina here, who 14 days ago decided to get a cheeks piercing on microdermals and I'm going to ask her about the healing process. So, dear Paulina, tell me, did you have any problems with healing? Was there swelling? It's still healing, though. Was there swelling? Did anything seep out of them? How did you manage to use make-up? No, there were no major problems. It all went much easier than I anticipated, for the first 2 days they bled, but it wasn't much.
All I got was a bruise, it was green all over, my jaw hurt a bit, I don't really know why, but it did. I had green discoloration all over here, but it went down quickly, and that was it, really. It went down by itself, or did you help it? Here's a tip for future reference: if you aren't allergic to chamomile, warm compresses help reduce bruises, so if you have an oral piercing, you can use chamomile infusion to gargle with. It came down quickly, so...
Did anything seep from the piercings? Any swelling? Swelling? Almost none, I didn't notice much of it. And that's an advantage of microdermals, the piercing is not done right through and because of it, cheeks swell much less. And what about make-up? Were you careful with it, like I asked? I still am. Very good, very good, bump it! Yeah, well, I avoided these regions completely, because I was afraid of messing it up, so when I wore those little circular band-aids for the night, I used make-up right around them, so I didn't even come near the piercing.
Very good, very good, it's best to leave more space. And what about washing? I rinsed it with boiled water and Biay Jele (type of hypoallergenic soap). And of course, Octenisept. That's great, so you recommend this sort of piercing, because it's less complicated compared to using labret studs.
Definitely! A huge advantage is that you don't bit on anything when eating. And no looking like a swollen hamster! So, Paulina recommends it. Very much. That would be all for today, thank you very much that you agreed to tell us about your experience with this piercing, still healing.
We're still in touch, if you want to change the screws for something else, there has to pass at least a month and a half. A month and a half? 1-1,5 Months, that's the healing time, more or less. And then you can try and change them. Okay.
So thank you very much and see you. Let's hug..

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