Tell us what you decided to pierce? I hesitated over lip labret, in the end I chose nostril. Awesome! But before we do it, I have to inform you about a few important things. OK. Nostril piercing heals about 2 3 months.
At that time its the best not to remove it, or at least for first 6 weeks. If you won't be sure that everything is healing properly, come to me we will consult it. And if it will have to be replaced, I will help you of course. Great.
-Because you are a make-up artist, you do make up other people and also yourself.
- Yes. Are you planning to make-up yourself in next 3 months, during the healing process? Yes, but because of healing time I will try to - I will have to avoid this area. So all face powders, fluids, foundations and make-up removers have to avoid nostril.
Because it can affect the healing time. And even result in infection. Would long time make-up can do any harm? No if the tunnel is healed. You can use retainer to save jewellery from getting dirty.
It's a plastic plug. And now I have a question for you: because retainer is made of plastic... I've seen using special glues for attaching silicone parts in makeup. Does this glue can effect on plastic? There is a lot of types of glues, but none can melt the plastic.
So there won't be any problem to use this retainer. What to use to remove this glue from your face? It's best to use alcohol. Also alcohol shouldn't react with plastic. What about fake blood? Does it have any ingredients that can irritate the tunnel? How to clean it up? Fake blood is made of corn syrup, so nothing would happen if some blood would get in healed piercing.
You can wash it off with soap and water. Well that's fantastic. So we're done with makeup issues. Let's talk about smoking.
There is no significant restrictions. The most important is not to inhale and breathe the smoke with your nose. As regards the alcohol, it's best to reduce it. At least limited it.
After nostril piercing, you can get a runny nose. Later, after piercing is done I will show you how to safety blow your nose. So let's do this! For healing time I wont give you the ring, because it could extend the healing process. And besides, it wont be comfortable to clean.
But we will try on different rings, so you can see how you will look and you will decide about piercings spot. Now we are disinfecting piercing spot and Im marking the one you've chosen. And here we go! Nostril piercing can be unpleasant, because tear ducts are damaged during the procedure, and that causes involuntary tearing. It may be painful due to the tissue structure.
But everything depends on the person. Of course when you are in capable hands unpleasant feeling lasts much shorter. So it's worth to go the professional for a new piercing. When you will want to blow your nose, hold gently a tissue to the nostril piercing, then move the tissue horizontally to this side.
Remember do not pull the tissue, because you can take off the piercing. And when you do, do not even try to put it back. Firstly it won't be sterile, secondly even with flexible bioplast piercing you can hurt the wound. - Come to me, I will help you to put it back.
-Ok. Now I will show you how to clean it. The best way is to use sterile gauze pad, however it can be difficult. So you can use a normal ear bud.
Spray it with Octenisept. If there's too much just shake it off. Put a clean finger into your nose so you can touch the hook that blocks jewellery. Gently press it and when crystal will lift up, you can clean it.
Do it this way 2 - 3 times a day for at least 6 weeks. - You can clean it inside if you want.
-Ok, great. That's all.
Do you have any questions, doubts? How long this redness will last? It can last only today or a couple of days. It's a matter of irritated skin, as a result of removing make up and sterilizing with alcohol. So the body itself needs to come back to the right colour. Alright, that's great.
So how do you feel after piercing? I thought it would be more painful. And now I only fell like I'm having something on my nose, and that's all. Thank you very much for disfiguring my face. It's beautiful! Thank you very much for taking part in our episode.
Please subscribe our channel. If you have any questions about any piercing, please comment. See you soon!.

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