back to the most amazing top 5. Sit back subscribe and let me entertain you. Before we get started I want to know-what
do you think is the most attractive piercing out there. Let me know your answers down in the comments.
Also I have a challenge for you guys lets
see if we can get this video to 300 likes. And if you havnt subscribed yet then please
do- all you have to do is hit that red subscribe button just down there and thats it your
subscribed. Alright without further a due lets get started
on our top 5 hottest piercings on a boy. Coming in at our number 5 spot--Nipplenow
as much as guys like girls to have nipple piercing- girls like guys to have them too.
Its not a bad sight to see- a shirtless guy
on the beach- with a nipple ring. And thats not coming from me thats coming
from an internet poll. The women love those men with nipple rings. And apparently most women prefer the barbell
as opposed to the dangly circular ring.
And I can definitely get behind that- a circular
nipple ring wouldnt be cute. In at number 4--Eyebrowthis is one I 100
percent agree with. An eyebrow piercing is definitely hot on a
guy. Now I have to admit in a little biased with
this one as my fianc has an eyebrow piercing.
I like it so much that I had him re-pierce
it years ago after it closed up from working at Tommy Hilfigure. Yeah apparently that company doesnt understand
how amazing this facial piercing is and made him remove it during business hours. But my fianc and I are getting engaged at
the end of this month and I think he wants to take it- were getting older so I get it. But it will be missed.
RIP eyebrow piercing RIP
At number 3--Ears (Spacers)-Just like women guys look good with their ears pierced. Simple yet classic. But according to the internet what women really
love to see on guys is spacers. Women love those stretched out era lobes.
But this is one trend you have to be 100 percent
committed to before hopping on board. Because once you stretch those babies our
far enough theres no going back. You can never wear normal earrings again. If there just little spacers im pretty sure
they can shrink back down to size but if you go too big youre going to be a grandpa with
some dangly earlobes.
Coming in at number 2--Lipapparently women
love a good side lip piercing on a guy. And im not going to lie im not against it. I remember when I was in high school a lot
of guys hopped on this band wagon and on most guys it looked good. Aside you know for the guys who didnt take
care of it properly and it was all red and pusey- so yeah guys if youre willing to take
care of it its not a bad piercing to have.
And ay number 1--Tongue- and to my surprise
this came up as the most popular and hottest piercing on a boy. Guys and girls love this piercing on a guy..Who
knew. And if you guy watched my hottest piercings
on girls video- if you havnt make sure you do after this video. But if you did watch it then you know that
the standard tongue ring is no longer all thats out there.
We now also have multiple piercings and bar
bell tongue tip piercings. But for men people are about just the standard
tongue ring vibe. So thats good to know. Well there you have it thats the Top 5
Hottest Piercings on A Boy.
Thank you guys so much for watching and ill
catch you in the next one..

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