Untill the old ones are gone... And certain ideas are lost...We will still have some preconceptions left Well...About preconceptions... I once saw an old man, he was about 75-80 years old He and his wife were from Holland, and they were tattooed from head to toe That's when I thought that... I like what I see So I said, if I like this, another one will like mine The idea is very simple...Not everybody has to like you I don't know if it's okay to be liked by everyone First and foremost you have to like yourself, you don't need another's approval And if I like the way a tattooed 75 years old looks like And his tattooes were all tied in the same idea, not just random stuff, like prison tattoos Yeah, it's okay Lately I've been tattooing all sorts of portraits...Grandmothers, husbands...
All sorts of cases, and dramas Generally it's children portraits that are most requestested It's even more difficult with children portraits, a bit more challenging, because their features aren't yet well formed And you have to be very careful with the shadows, the light you use on the face, because it might not resemble the picture in the end Color realism is often used in other countries Here, we're still trying to educate people about realism First of all, it's easier to make it look good in black & grey, because most of the people have a really tanned skin The guy who came in earlier with a portrait came here 4-5 days ago with really tanned, sun burned skin I almost started crying when I looked at him, "What are you doing here with that tanned skin?" And if you don't take good care of your tattoo, or your skin in general It's useless having colours Because when you are doing a colour portrait, you have about 9 different light, fine colour tones At your first sunbath, it's destroyed This is the reason we're first trying to educate people about black&grey, and then, step by step, with colour I've had the change to work on some clients from Norway and Finland, that have really fair skin They don't have a tan, so obviously I convinced them on some colour portraits It's strictly about the maintenance of the tattoo in the long run As I've told you before, if you have really light colours in your tattoo, they will gradually fade Because of the sun, UV lamps, and so on... There are clients that, even though you explain everything thoroughly, they still call you about their tattoo with questions like: " I didn't take a shower, can I take a shower? I don't think I should wash the tattoo" I hear a lot of these things... So, what can I say, we're giving like 80% (at least) in this shop The other 20% depends on you and how you take care of your tattoo Now I'm definitely sure of what I did It materialized and came out perfectly in my opinion I think it's also Costi's opinion, if you ask him My little girl will certainly be excited to see it She's already waiting, she knows I'm doing it, we'll see when I get home It came out perfectly It's her, no doubt about it! What's next? I don't know, I suppose the first one is the hardest The rest will come along as I go We will see, there will certainly be another Stay like this for 5-10 minutes I want this tattoo, for celebrating my second daughter's birth I also had a tattoo for my first daughter, so it's only natural I had a tattoo for my second child So there will be no trouble at home My first tattoo wasn't a portrait, I just wrote my daughter's name So now I'll have them both, so none of them will get mad They're the light of my life The hourglass represents the time, that is very precious for everybody And they will stay forever with me, on my arm So it's gonna be all for the best! This one was a bit more complicated But I was lucky the guy trusted me He let me play with the subject and create something around his own idea He found a book in the shop, made by a good friend of ours, Bullet He said he wants something like that, with his children included It was pretty difficult, especially with the first portrait, which was a baby portrait She doesn't have many personal features yet, but it was ok He had the courage to try out this type of tattoo, with parts of the faces People generally choose the whole face for the portrait But the result is something that was truly worth it I got the idea here at the shop, I wasn't decided on what I should get With the books, and with Vanda's help, I figured it out I'm very pleased, I was expecting it to be nice, but not like this It's very good, very beautiful Costi is a true artist, I knew about him, I heard about him, and his work only confirmed what I already knew He's number one! Each and every portrait tattoo is a challenge Every one is something different and it doesn't matter that I'm tattooing girlfriend's or mother's face There are cases when clients walk in the shop with their loved one that they want to get tattooed And you have to give your 100% At the end of the tattoo that person has to see himself/herself in that tattoo And it's different every time, it's hard With children it's pretty complicated Because, believe it or not, they can recognize their faces When the clients gets home and shows the child their portrait, they have to see themselves I remember that when I got my child's portrait on my chest, David was about 2, 2 and a half years old And when I showed him, he didn't even know how to talk and he was like" Aaa...Bebe?" He clearely knew it was him This is clearely an exam, so to say When I meet with my son, he wants to see himself every time " Let me see, let me see myself, daddy!" So, it's also a joy for the kids! They will certainly like it I think I'll wake the older one now to show her I can't wait until tomorrow They are my pride, for life The tattoo is part of my life now www.Costi-tattoo.Com.

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