I slept like a baby last night, like no problems with sleeping or like all spit coming out of my mouth But it's okay um I. It was worse yesterday than it is today, but I dont know how itll be throughout the day I can make a whole video about talking about how painful it was to actually take the piercing, and also my tongue for the weird cuz I. Have never had like this this "fishy" tongue before Really weird. I thought it was going to be more swollen.
I can't really feel it it being swollen and I tried to take some paracetamol some painkillers cuz the woman who took my tongue piercing, she said that painkillers and Ice cubes are the best way to live that week and also soup and stuff, but I. Was going to take some painkillers, but was like I. Couldn't swallow it So it was like The the water and everything is just like falling at my mouth. I couldn't even do anything about it I'm really hungry.
I really am hungry. I have a lot of food. I can't eat it Yeah, so we'll see how it goes throughout today, okay, so it's like 10 p.M.. And It's not more or less swollen But, it hurts more to talk especially in Norwegian.
Norwegian is harder to speak English But it's okay. But I can't eat I tried to eat some soup. But it was noodles in it and I couldn't eat noodles, I could only drink the soup Thats the only thing ive been eating all day I've been trying to eat something else as well, but just didnt work So I'm looking forward whether to see whether I can eat tomorrow Day 2 is about 3 p.M.. And I woke up with some blood on my tongue and I could eat and I could speak And this is how it looks...
Still pretty swollen, and I've been using like an hour to eat, so my tongues pretty tired It's getting better today, it is. So we'll see how it goes throughout today by the way, I ate chicken soup and some nutrition drink, so Im pretty full. I was so hungry Being the stupid person I am,.. Its around 12 a.M btw..
In the same day Being the stupid person I am: I was eating pizza and I was like forcing my tongue to eat all day cuz I was so hungry It is what happened It doesn't look good right? Okay, so I just cleansed my tongue and okay, so tomorrow I'm going to promise myself to To not push my tongue to eat something it doesn't want to eat I'm just going to eat soup, I guess It's pretty good now, and I can see that the piercing is longer now But it hurts. It hurts really bad, so I think Im not gonna talk more today good morning, I just Brushed my teeth and stuff. I woke up and I had no pain in my tongue, but now I have again I don't even know where I was gonna go over It's still swollen I don't know, but I feel like I can talk maybe a little bit better, but thats probably because I haven't used my tongue today So Im just going to continue watching my series. So now it's about So now Its about 6.30 P.M I was just sucking on an ice cube So the only thing I've been eating/drinking today is this Nutri drink which is 300 Calories Just you know to make myself feel a little bit full because I promised myself.
I was going to be careful with my tongue today And I have a little bit of a yellow tongue now because this is a yellow drink. It's tropic tropic taste and it's like Orange juice but not orange just like the color orange, so that's why I have a little bit of a yellow tongue The swallowing has been... I'm not that swollen anymore and I can talk better, I think probably because I haven't barely I haven't barely been speaking today, so that might be one factor, but I'm just going to continue to Stay in bed watching some series and stuff and see how everything goes after so um Talk to you guys later. Byee Hey everyone, so I actually didn't get to film anything yesterday So I'm filming today Well my tongue is doing pretty good.
Yesterday.. How was yesterday? I had a little bit of pain cuz I was eating a lot I was eating the whole day like I swear but it was okay and Today I. Found out and I'm going to have exam in English International English so I'm just preparing myself So that's how it looks today. It's not swollen anymore I can brush my tongue I can eat, but still soup because you know I want to keep my want to keep my mouth just like Good before the exam so that I can speak properly So I've been eating tomato soup with some macaroni Which was really really easy to eat It was and that's what I've been eating today yeah, yeah, so Today, I'm having my exam.
It's a 8 days since I took the tongue piercing, and I've got oral thrust and that's really nasty Yes, I've got oral thrust. I'm not gonna show you, but you have probably seen it before that's the consequences of using too much mouthwash but whatever so I'm going on my examining like 20 minutes, and Im so so nervous thank you everyone for sticking with me through my tongue piercing experience my first week of my tongue piercing. I recommend everyone to get a tongue piercing if you want to because its worth the pain. I swear because it's so nice and the pain only last for one week..
Less than a week and after that you have it for as long as you like, so Um yeah, thank you.

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