and I'm here to show you how to pierce a naval. First and foremost you want to make sure that
you have this done by a professional. Doing it at home or having your buddy do it in his
bedroom is not a safe way to do it. It is risky and it can lead to infections and all
kind of other problems.
It can be crooked, ugly, make sure you go to a place that is
reputable. Make sure it is maintained and monitored by a local health department or
some other authority in that area. The first thing you want to do is when you go in is
make sure that all their utensils and their jewelry come prepackaged and presterilized
and this will avoid any kind of risk of infection. The first step in actually doing the piercing
is to clean it and I am using some Technicare which is basically what doctors use to clean
their hands before surgery.
You want to later up the top really well and inside as well,
just go around it a few times and wipe off the excess. Your next step is to make a mark
of where you are going to go with the piercing and I'm using some genteen violet to make
the mark as well as a single use marker. Now when you are doing this you want to have the
person stand completely straight, hands by their sides and look straight ahead. Then mark the top and the bottom and then
eye it and make sure it is completely straight and then have the person lay back.
Some people
choose to free hand their navel piercings. I use a clamp just because I think it avoids
any kind of error. You know that you've got it dead on, you know that the thing is going
through straight and it's fine. You take and remove your clamps from your packaging as
well as the jewelry and the needle.
Make sure that you are ready to put the jewelry in before
you even start unscrew the the top of it and then you want to take the guard off of the
needle. You want to use a little bit of surgical lubrication. Dry piercing is dangerous, it
hurts, it is not good so make sure you use a little bit of the surgical lub and get it
on the needle really well. Take your clamp and clamp off the area making sure it is centered
on the top and on the bottom so you know that you have the right amount of skin in the clamps.
Take the needle, take a deep breath in, and exhale, remove the clamps, push the needle
through a little ways.
You want to take the butt of the jewelry, put it to the bottom
of the needle and take a deep breath in, exhale. Make sure you keep contact all the way through.
If you lose contact you have to fish around for the jewelry and that is not fun for you
or them. Make sure to keep your thumb and forefinger on the jewelry before you put the
bead on, screw it on slowly
and then you want to use the saline Q-tips to clean it off, clean around the top first,
switch it up and then go around the bottom making sure to get all the way around the
jewelry so to help clean up all the blood that's on there and it will help it close
up on the outside so it will heal properly and that is how you pierce a navel..

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