on the internet! I am Rebecca Felgate, your most amazing host
and today were talking about the Top 10 Insane Body Piercings Part 2! You guys loved part one so much, we thought
we would show you more, and I have to say these are even more intense than part 1. Some of these may make you wince just a teeny
bit! As always we love hearing your feedback,
so do let us know which of these piercing made you feel the most squeamish! Also, before we get in to this video, I just
want to remind you guys to check out our Merch store at Most Amazing Shop.Com and also please
do leave this video with a big thumbs up. Okay, coming in at number 10, meet the guy
with the most pierced face in the world! Hey Axel Rosales, whats up! This Argentinian national won the title of
most adorned face in 2012, at which time he had 280 facial piercings. He actually had 271 on the day the Guinness
World Records crew showed up, but he wanted an even number so he had a friend punch not
one hole, but 9 more.
I have heard of people swearing to never take
their rings off, but this takes the whole concept a bit far at number 9 we have
this nonconventional wedding ring. Imagine the wedding the crowd cooing over
how beautiful the bride and groom look, and it comes to exchanging rings the vicar
gets out his piercing gun...It is a beautiful moment. I guess this is one way not to lose a ringbut
imagine the dramatic ring off moment in a fit of matrimonial rage. Eesh.
Finger piercings. I dont know. This is pretty cool, if it is a little extreme
we have this head piercing at number 8. So what you are looking at is a microdermal
temple piercing and what this lady has going on is a pretty sweet cog piercing that
actually moves together! This is like head art I guess everyone sees their piercings as
Temple thoughesssh the thought of having
it done makes me feel squeamish. Ooh, speaking of squeamish, get ready for
number 7. We have a Uvula Piercing. What is an Uvulva? That dangly bit at the back of your throat.
Imagine having someone stick their fingers
down their and give it a good old piercing! I guess as piercings go, this is pretty small,
buterrrhhh.. Choke hazard nightmares. Can I interest anyone in a couples tongue
at number 6? Couples tongue anyone? No? I get mad love, I really do. But this is too far guys, do you hear me? TOO FAR.
Take your love elsewhereI cant deal
with it. I guess this is a short term fixture, but
still I am going to bring you down just a notch,
before I build you back up take it slightly easier at number 5 with gum piercing. Meep.Holes in my gums. Imagine for a second being pierced through
the gum like, that area is pretty thick and teeth filled.
Some people are pierced right in the middle
of the two front teeth which makes me very worried about the attachy bit from the lip
to tooth. Atatchy bit. Good job Rebecca! Okay, this is terrifying, we have this harrowing
Ankle Piercing at number 4. I am fully in support of people doing what
they want with their bodies, but who on earth wants to put a whopping great hole through
their Achilles? This gasp inducing body modification belongs
to Daniel Rutt of Worksop, England.
Staring into the wound is probably my least
favourite thing to do.. Apparently it is 16 millimetres wide. Oh sweet Jesusare you ready for this at
number three, we have eye piercings.. I MEAN can you even imagine! This dude is living in a Jail of his own making! Imagine how inconvenient this would be..
And like totally in the way of your vision at all times.
The way his skin is pauching is very stressful
to me! So.Whats the craic at number 2? Oh, waitsorry I asked. We have a person who has pierced their butt
cheeks and pulled them together with a bar. 21St century, I think I am officially done
with you. This poses a whole world of problems that
I am unready to deal with or muse upon for too long What could be more horrifying than piercing
your butt together, well, boy do I have a treat for you at number one we have this
Double Nip daydream.
Did I say daydream?? Sorry, I meant nightmare. This is hands down one of the most horrifying
tattoo piercing combinations I have ever seen. While I definitely see the humour. Those nipple arms will haunt my nightmares.
Pop it away, bruce.Pop it away. So that was the Top 10 Insane Body Piercings
of All time which did you like the most? Is like the right word here? I dont know. Maybe. Let me know in the comments section below.
I am your Most amazing host, Rebecca Felgate,
please do leave a good thumbs up on this video and be sure to share it with a friend..

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