the internet. I am Rebecca Felgate, your Most Amazing host,
and today were talking about the Top 10 insane body piercings. I know we have done a few kind of similar
lists in the past and you guys seem to love them, so I thought Id bring you a fresh
new list. Before we get into the video, I just want
to remind you guys that we have a Most Amazing Instgram that you should check out if you
want to see some pictures of me, Danny and Landon doing our thing.
We also have some merch for sale, if you want
to join the Most Amazing Gang. Okay. Body piercings! 10 - CLAWS
Pop it away, Wolverine! Oh my goodness. Imagine having CLAWS! This is too much.
And I can imagine it is highly inconvenient. Like.Gloves.Winter gloveshow do you
do gloves. Also.Can we talk about how this guy has
some kind of through nose piercing that works with his claw hand. I imagine this kind of malarkey is not welcome
at airports and sporting events, cause, you know, his hands are a weapon.
Weve got HOOPS at number 9
There are a lot of hoops in this face, as well as assorted other spikes. Its pretty visually confounding . It
is hard to take in all at once. The ears are particularly saturated ..
cigar smoking seems to also be an integral part to this look I am surprised he doesnt have that pierced
too. I think that makes me feel the most squeamish
is the underchin. 8 - KNIVES
Okay, so I guess this dude doesnt keep the knives in his face long term but like.. Jesus Christ.
Imagine living with these two whopping great
holes in your nose at all times.Likehis breathing experience must be pretty different
to yours and mineit must be so fresh and open. But like. Do you really want that kind of visibility
into your nasal passage? I guess he does! This guy has also gone pretty rogue when it
comes to his chin and ears too. Dont quote me, but I think he has one of
those chin plugs that he can take out and poke his tongue through.
This is very sonic slash Bowser.. I dont know if I would enjoy a spike, it
might get in the way of having hair. But I guess this guy doesnt need to worry
about that. Like.Does anyone watching have a spike
How do these work how do you take them
out. Also, hello nose piercing of wiggley joy. There is definitely room for more here. This dudes ear is like a portal to another
Check it out at number 6 LIKE WHAT is happening here! That is the biggest lobe gauge I have ever
seen. And the cheeky face poking through it is so
much to deal with. It must be weird to carry these around in
you! Also, his lip piercing is quite the commitment
too. This guy is known as Bear Big Ears, and having
just googled him it seems he actually is the record holder for the largest stretched
LIPS at number 5
Okay, but like, isnt this a bit of a pain.This cant be in anyway comfortable. This is Rafa Gnomo he is thought to have
the biggest lip modification in the world.And, well his lips have been totally transformed
into vessels, so, yeah, I guess. These days, though, he has grown a beard and
covered his huge holes. If you thought that was intense.
I meancheck this out at number 4
This woman is from the Mursi tribe in Ethiopia, where it is considered to be beautiful to
have a huge plate in their face. Large ceramic disks are fitted over time and
swapped out for bigger disks over time. The bigger the plate, the more alluring a
woman is said to be. Full Metal Jacket at number 3
German National, Rolf Bucholz holds the current record for being the most pierced male in
the world.
The 58 year old has a total of 453 piercings
at last count, including a whopping 278 in his penis. I was going to ask how he can fit that many
down there. Bit like I guess space maybe ismnt an issue. I am not sure how I feel about that much metal
going on though.
But if it works for Rolf, like whatever. Of course we cant show you the pictures
of his nether regions, luckily he also has lots of piercings on his face, too, so you
get the idea. He also has eyeball tattoos and horns and
like, each to their own. 2 - Chainmail
So, this guy has so many piercings, he looks like he is starting to develop some kind of
body armour.
This is Kam Ma, and what were seeing here
is the result of 8 hours of piercing work at a body arts festival.At this event he
was pierced over 1000 without any aesthetic. Likeee. I guess he likes the pain. Finally, coming in to number 1.
We have the most pierced person in the world,
1 - Most Pierced person in the world. Elaine Davidson has over 9,800 piercings! The woman in her 50s lives in Edinburgh, Scotland,
and is covered in in metal! In the year 2000, the Guinness World Records
team gave Elaine the title of most pierced person in the world, which is a title she
still lays claim too. Despite her extreme look, Elaine defies expectations.She
does not live an extreme lifestyle; she shys away from drink, drugs and cigarettes and
lives life as a t-totaller. Sothere was that..
Have you guys got
any piercings? I feel a bit inadequate for just having my
ears pierced! Let me know which piercing you think was the
most insane. Thanks for tuning in, I am Rebecca Felgateplease
leave this video with a thumbs up, share it with a friend and stay subscribed for more
Most Amazing lists..

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